Intensives - Metaphysical Guidance
Intensives - Metaphysical Guidance

What’s an intensive?

Great question.

It’s a way to redefine limitation.


Imagine that this is the Universe we’re in.


Imagine that this is the Universe we’re in.

It’s a container.

It contains life.


And imagine that this is you, in this life, on Earth.

The way you live life is defined by your limitations.


And imagine that this is you, in this life, on Earth.

The way you live life is defined by your limitations.

Limitations represent the extent of your experience.

Stay in the familiar, and you stay within your limitations.

Redefine your limitations, and you can evolve beyond your containment.

You expanded

Redefining limitation expands your known.

It gives you Space to grow into more of Your bigness.

You expanded

Redefining limitation expands your known.

It gives you Space to grow into more of Your bigness.

When you expand your definition of how life works, you access your capacity to Remember why you are here.

You expanding into redefinition

Step into the invisible, where the metaphysics of existence reveal themselves to you.

You expanding into redefinition

Step into the invisible, where the metaphysics of existence reveal themselves to you.

Life is a game.

There are levels to the game.

The levels are defined by their limitations.

The lower levels are played in the physical world, where what you see is what you get.

Upleveling gives you access to the Quantum fabric that life is made of.

Once you access the Quantum, you decide how the game plays out.

That’s what it means to Be Cause.


How will understanding metaphysics help me with life?

Metaphysics provides a way to study the mathematics of energy. It encompasses a body of esoteric knowledge (knowledge not available to the masses) that explains the mechanisms of cause and effect.


The reason why it’s so important to study metaphysics today is because the mechanisms of cause and effect work differently in the New world. What worked in the old most often doesn’t work in the New. If you’re awaiting the formation of the New in order to experience it, this is an opportune moment to explore the ways that the mathematics of energy work differently now. If you’re here to build the New, a deep consideration of metaphysics is essential as you form something out of nothing.


When you play the game of life as effect, life happens at you and to you and despite of you. When you are in effect, you keep a tally of the cards you’ve been dealt and hope for the best. You experience life as a pawn fighting for rights you’ve relinquished, confined to its physical nature and all of the limitations that come with form.


When you play the game of life as Cause, life happens for you and with you and because of you. When you are Cause, you relinquish rationality as you embrace Divine Sequencing and simply Know that you Know. You experience life as a phenomenon through which to Serve.


In order to Be Cause of your reality, applying metaphysics into your life is essential. The application of metaphysics into a world far greater than its physical expression is the New standard of excellence.

What is limitation?

At it’s most foundational, limitation is the definition of your known.


From an energetic math perspective, limitation represents an equation with the net sum of zero.


Here’s what that means:

YouWhen you live your life within the boundaries of your existing limitations without taking steps to redefine your limitations, you exist within lived experience. You experience the same things you’ve already experienced. You recreate the things you’ve already made. You rely on pattern to predict what comes next.


When you exercise the courage to step into your Unknown, you take Action in awareness to expand the parameters of your experience. Expansion is the process of redefining limitation.

You expandedAs you open yourself to expand your perspective, you allow yourself to consider what more there could be. As your perspective broadens, you organically gain greater appreciation for possibilities you didn’t consider before. When you navigate experience from the place of the unexplored, you are essentially living out of the box.


When people say they want to “think out of the box,” they’re saying they want to redefine their known. Expanding beyond what is familiar gives you access to what you haven’t discovered yet. It gives you access to Remembering why you’re here in this life. How much is that worth to you? The familiar is pretty comfortable, after all. Are you sure you want to disrupt what you assume is working for you?


If living an expanded life full of new possibilities is valuable to you, then examining your relationship with limitation is a priority next step.

Why focus on limitation?

Limitation is a key metaphysical concept in the New. It is paramount to cultivate a majestic relationship with limitation because, on a fundamental level, it represents the greatest conflict you face as Spirit coming into finite form. In form, physicality represents a defined limitation where you are then asked to be limitless in that containment. The only way to do this is to expand your definition of limitation to include both that which is visible in physicality, as well as all that is invisible to the human eye. From this perspective, relinquishing the struggle with the current limiting parameters of your reality becomes available to you.


Limitation is made of perspective. Your perspective informs the limitations that then form your reality. When you expand your perspective, you have access to a more varied and diverse landscape of life. The more you face yourself, the more you are in a position to discern what is obstructing your view. In identifying obstructions, you give yourself the possibility to remove them. The more obstructions you remove, the wider your perspective. The more you expand your perspective, the more refined your Ability to See the nuance in all things. Nuance exists in the invisible. Once you navigate your reality able to recognize the nuances, you play the game of life on an entirely different level.


Placing your focused attention on your relationship with limitation creates an opening for you to explore the depths of your relationship with life itself. Are you reconciled with the terms that confine you, the conditions that measure your acceptable behaviour? Can you face the perceived boxes in which you place yourself? All of these aspects have to be reconciled in order to walk the talk in the establishment of the New.


To achieve greatness as a valued Contributor to the New, limitation must be Mastered. In order to Master limitation, reconciling your relationship with it is key. To reconcile your relationship with limitation requires your willingness to face limitation head on. During intensives, you face it. Head on.


How do you reconcile the limitations that confine you to a life lived? Disregard the facts of your reality. In their place, Be Cause and form the path yet unlaid.

What are some common limitations?

People often define themselves by what stops them. And they’re right! The definition of your existence is composed of the extent to which you exist. Stay small to be defined as small. Expand and have the courage to be more.


Here are some common limitations:


“I’ve done 30 years of work on myself and I’ve cleared everything that was in my way.”
(Well, it’s great to have cleared what was in your way. How about what is in your way now?)


“I’ve found the key to my success! Now, all I have to do is rinse and repeat.”
(It’s worth celebrating a win. It’s expensive to let that win define your limits.)


“I’m miserable in my life right now, but at least I’m safe from what could happen if I make a change.”
(The value of feeling safe to live your life on your own terms is not to be underestimated. Crippling yourself with a fear of the Unknown is self-debilitation.)


“I have too much to lose if I speak out. Everyone in my life will think I’m crazy and leave me.”
(What if they’re waiting for you to show them how it’s done?)

Why do intensives?

The world has completely changed. When such fundamental changes take place in a world, every one of us faces some major questions. The kinds of questions you want to run from. Sprint from, actually. The kinds of questions it’s much easier to answer when you have someone with you, willing to listen. Willing to reflect You back to you.


Those questions show up to challenge your existing limitations. Do you want to stay the same? Can you challenge yourself to make the kinds of changes that open up unexplored possibilities for you? Can you Look at yourself and examine what still feels right, consider what doesn’t fit anymore, and take the steps to restructure your reality in order to make room for the New?


During intensives, you face those major questions from the vantage point of Spirit having a human experience.

What happens during an intensive?

In terms of what takes place in a session, that varies a lot. This isn’t psychotherapy in any way. Intensives are not about treating mental conditions. They’re not about reliving experiences or blaming others for your difficulties. When you consider that intensives are a form of metaphysical Guidance, please be aware that the metaphysical is going to be a major part of the conversation. Rather than commiserating with you or quoting the latest research, we reference esoterics as they apply to New Earth (Earth 5) in order to deconstruct dynamics keeping you stuck. The deconstruction of dynamics, and the explanation of how energetic constructs work, are presented to you within the context of your circumstances so that you can become acutely aware of the nuances triggering you to repeat the same patterns in hopes of things eventually changing.


The key thing about intensives is that they are opportunities for you to Be Cause of your reality. If you don’t want to Be Cause of your reality and prefer things just unfolding as you intend for the best outcome, we don’t recommend intensives.


During these sessions, the invisible becomes visible to you, on a personal level and on a collective scale. Dots connect. Seemingly disparate puzzle pieces come together. Oftentimes, when people hear about the concept of redefining their limitations, they automatically assume that means the destruction of their existing realities. It can also mean experiencing profound epiphanies and having realizations that suddenly make everything make sense.


Yes, there’s a lot of clarity that comes out of intensives. Having said that, clarity is not for the faint of heart. During these sessions, your perspective broadens very quickly and you’re supported in your expansion so that you can stabilize in the vastness of the bigger picture.


As far as what happens during intensives in human terms…we just have conversations.

What should I focus on in my intensives?

Your focus can be as broad as “expansion.” Or you may have identified patterns showing up in your life that you realize are holding you back and you’d like clarity on how to move forward. It could also be a more specific metaphysical question you’d like Guidance answering, such as:


  • What is the difference between incarnation and reincarnation?
  • Are Spirit and Soul the same thing?
  • How do Twin Flames and Twin Rays differ?
  • How do I Remember why I’m here?
  • Why do I have difficulty meditating?
  • How can I tell if I’m accumulating energetic debt?

The underlying focus of all intensives is multifaceted and includes:


  • expanding your awareness of Consciousness
  • navigating the acceleration of flow in your life with greater steadiness and stability
  • examining the subtle energetics influencing your current reality
  • clarifying how to Act in awareness with purposeful precision to align with Spirit while in a physical embodiment
  • reconciling the Truth that You Are an infinite Being (Spirit) in finite form (a human body)
  • discovering ways to ease the physical and subtle aspects of expansion as you leave your comfort zone and enter into your Unknown

Online or in person?

Sessions can take place either online or in person. We recommend scheduling 60 to 90 minutes per online session and a minimum of 3 hours for an in person session.

With whom do I book a session?

You can have sessions with Katherine. You can have sessions with Susan. You can also opt for sessions with both of us. If you want another person to join you during a session, you’re welcome to invite them along at no extra fee. If you haven’t met us before and you’re not sure who to pick, consider watching some of our YouTube videos or visit us on Telegram to start getting to know us.


Both Susan and Katherine contribute unique perspectives to an intensive. Susan focuses on activating your access to the Seat of Your Soul (your Spiritual Heart). This access point is known as the Upper Fourth. Her focus extends to basecamp elevation and Quantum Architecture. Katherine focuses on Oracular Sight and on the study and explanation of the application of complex metaphysical concepts. Both of us Contribute to Soul repair and Connection maintenance, to expanding on the Planetary Laws of Earth 5, as well as to the facilitation of the process of retrieving your Sacred Contract.

Do you provide transcriptions of my recorded sessions?

We absolutely do not provide transcriptions and there are two reasons why. It’s extremely important that you benefit directly from the content that surfaces during your sessions. It is not beneficial to the seeding of certain evolutionary futures for inorganic technologies to reap the rewards of your journey. In order to preserve the greatest potential for your own evolution, we encourage you to reconsider feeding your recordings to transcription services. Instead, consider engaging in the disciplined practice of Self study in which you take down your own notes, while listening to your recordings. The physical act of your taking notes can be an Alchemical process of anchoring profound awareness into your reality if done while engaged in the present. Encourage yourself to immerse into Self discovery. Take notes, create maps and diagrams of the concepts that emerge for you. Journal, reflect in meditation, and add to your notes. This is about you studying You. Give yourself the greatest possibilities by not diluting them into realities that haven’t earned them.

Group intensives

Intensives are all about redefinition. Redefinition is an essential part of the process of moving forward. For the past few years, we have offered intensives in the form of private sessions only. As of 2025, we are opening up the group experience to those who prefer the dynamics of a community context where the conversation becomes a broad tapestry of the unique perspectives of all participants involved. During a group intensive, participants engage in the redefinition of their circumstances.


Change the way you perceive things, and things begin to change.


Group intensives are an opportunity for you to converge with others invested in moving through their stuck points. These community experiences open the floor for you to join in on a conversation that exposes the rawness of challenge, the discomfort of difficulty, and the courage to face solutions. This isn’t about commiseration. It’s not about gossip, and it’s not fuel for the drama. Those who join a group intensive are ready to Work. The Work focuses on clearing lack of resolution, enhancing your capacity to discern, and clarifying confusion. In the process, you can redefine your reality.


Come to a group intensive prepared to answer the following question openly, honestly, and authentically: What challenge are you ready to face?


Group intensives differ from the online study groups. Whereas the study groups focus on the examination of metaphysical concepts without personal context, the group intensives explore your personal circumstances as you determine how to move through obstacles in your life. It can get intimate fast. You can consider it this way: the study groups put the concept on centre stage, whereas the group intensives invite you to go on centre stage.


By sharing your experiences and your perspectives with others in the group, you give participants the opportunity to expand their own perspectives as they enrich their views through yours. In turn, you collectively expose the invisible foundations upon which your opportunities for expansion await your discovery.


Remember, limitations represent the extent of your experience. When you live your life within the boundaries of your existing limitations without taking steps to redefine your limitations, you exist within lived experience. In other words, stay in the familiar and you stay within your limitations. This is when doing your best is reduced to your existing accomplishments. Redefine your limitations, and you can evolve beyond your containment. What happens next can be quite incredible. You may not recognize yourself as you redefine the way you interpret life to be. You may even watch yourself Being able to handle situations that you didn’t think you could survive. That’s the potency of redefinition.


Group intensives are open to the public and there is no prerequisite to attend. These conversations are recorded and the recordings are made available in your private portals for further Self study.


These group experiences are highly engaging and immersive. Be ready to participate in the conversation and open up in the same way you would during private sessions. Please note that there is no guarantee that everyone in the group will have their challenges showcased during the session.


Inviting someone new to the community to participate in a group intensive comes with the benefit of a monetary return:


Online group intensives: $50 rebate for both you and your invitee
In-Person group intensives: $70 rebate for both you and your invitee


Simply reply to the email receipt you receive confirming your registration to a group intensive and include the details of whom you are referring. The applicable rebate will be issued to both of you post-event. Please note that no shows do not qualify for rebates.


For details of upcoming group sessions, click here.


How will understanding metaphysics help me with life?

Metaphysics provides a way to study the mathematics of energy. It encompasses a body of esoteric knowledge (knowledge not available to the masses) that explains the mechanisms of cause and effect.


The reason why it’s so important to study metaphysics today is because the mechanisms of cause and effect work differently in the New world. What worked in the old most often doesn’t work in the New. If you’re awaiting the formation of the New in order to experience it, this is an opportune moment to explore the ways that the mathematics of energy work differently now. If you’re here to build the New, a deep consideration of metaphysics is essential as you form something out of nothing.


When you play the game of life as effect, life happens at you and to you and despite of you. When you are in effect, you keep a tally of the cards you’ve been dealt and hope for the best. You experience life as a pawn fighting for rights you’ve relinquished, confined to its physical nature and all of the limitations that come with form.


When you play the game of life as Cause, life happens for you and with you and because of you. When you are Cause, you relinquish rationality as you embrace Divine Sequencing and simply Know that you Know. You experience life as a phenomenon through which to Serve.


In order to Be Cause of your reality, applying metaphysics into your life is essential. The application of metaphysics into a world far greater than its physical expression is the New standard of excellence.

What is limitation?

At it’s most foundational, limitation is the definition of your known.


From an energetic math perspective, limitation represents an equation with the net sum of zero.


Here’s what that means:

YouWhen you live your life within the boundaries of your existing limitations without taking steps to redefine your limitations, you exist within lived experience. You experience the same things you’ve already experienced. You recreate the things you’ve already made. You rely on pattern to predict what comes next.


When you exercise the courage to step into your Unknown, you take Action in awareness to expand the parameters of your experience. Expansion is the process of redefining limitation.

You expandedAs you open yourself to expand your perspective, you allow yourself to consider what more there could be. As your perspective broadens, you organically gain greater appreciation for possibilities you didn’t consider before. When you navigate experience from the place of the unexplored, you are essentially living out of the box.


When people say they want to “think out of the box,” they’re saying they want to redefine their known. Expanding beyond what is familiar gives you access to what you haven’t discovered yet. It gives you access to Remembering why you’re here in this life. How much is that worth to you? The familiar is pretty comfortable, after all. Are you sure you want to disrupt what you assume is working for you?


If living an expanded life full of new possibilities is valuable to you, then examining your relationship with limitation is a priority next step.

Why focus on limitation?

Limitation is a key metaphysical concept in the New. It is paramount to cultivate a majestic relationship with limitation because, on a fundamental level, it represents the greatest conflict you face as Spirit coming into finite form. In form, physicality represents a defined limitation where you are then asked to be limitless in that containment. The only way to do this is to expand your definition of limitation to include both that which is visible in physicality, as well as all that is invisible to the human eye. From this perspective, relinquishing the struggle with the current limiting parameters of your reality becomes available to you.


Limitation is made of perspective. Your perspective informs the limitations that then form your reality. When you expand your perspective, you have access to a more varied and diverse landscape of life. The more you face yourself, the more you are in a position to discern what is obstructing your view. In identifying obstructions, you give yourself the possibility to remove them. The more obstructions you remove, the wider your perspective. The more you expand your perspective, the more refined your Ability to See the nuance in all things. Nuance exists in the invisible. Once you navigate your reality able to recognize the nuances, you play the game of life on an entirely different level.


Placing your focused attention on your relationship with limitation creates an opening for you to explore the depths of your relationship with life itself. Are you reconciled with the terms that confine you, the conditions that measure your acceptable behaviour? Can you face the perceived boxes in which you place yourself? All of these aspects have to be reconciled in order to walk the talk in the establishment of the New.


To achieve greatness as a valued Contributor to the New, limitation must be Mastered. In order to Master limitation, reconciling your relationship with it is key. To reconcile your relationship with limitation requires your willingness to face limitation head on. During intensives, you face it. Head on.


How do you reconcile the limitations that confine you to a life lived? Disregard the facts of your reality. In their place, Be Cause and form the path yet unlaid.

What are some common limitations?

People often define themselves by what stops them. And they’re right! The definition of your existence is composed of the extent to which you exist. Stay small to be defined as small. Expand and have the courage to be more.


Here are some common limitations:


“I’ve done 30 years of work on myself and I’ve cleared everything that was in my way.”
(Well, it’s great to have cleared what was in your way. How about what is in your way now?)


“I’ve found the key to my success! Now, all I have to do is rinse and repeat.”
(It’s worth celebrating a win. It’s expensive to let that win define your limits.)


“I’m miserable in my life right now, but at least I’m safe from what could happen if I make a change.”
(The value of feeling safe to live your life on your own terms is not to be underestimated. Crippling yourself with a fear of the Unknown is self-debilitation.)


“I have too much to lose if I speak out. Everyone in my life will think I’m crazy and leave me.”
(What if they’re waiting for you to show them how it’s done?)

Why do intensives?

The world has completely changed. When such fundamental changes take place in a world, every one of us faces some major questions. The kinds of questions you want to run from. Sprint from, actually. The kinds of questions it’s much easier to answer when you have someone with you, willing to listen. Willing to reflect You back to you.


Those questions show up to challenge your existing limitations. Do you want to stay the same? Can you challenge yourself to make the kinds of changes that open up unexplored possibilities for you? Can you Look at yourself and examine what still feels right, consider what doesn’t fit anymore, and take the steps to restructure your reality in order to make room for the New?


During intensives, you face those major questions from the vantage point of Spirit having a human experience.

What happens during an intensive?

In terms of what takes place in a session, that varies a lot. This isn’t psychotherapy in any way. Intensives are not about treating mental conditions. They’re not about reliving experiences or blaming others for your difficulties. When you consider that intensives are a form of metaphysical Guidance, please be aware that the metaphysical is going to be a major part of the conversation. Rather than commiserating with you or quoting the latest research, we reference esoterics as they apply to New Earth (Earth 5) in order to deconstruct dynamics keeping you stuck. The deconstruction of dynamics, and the explanation of how energetic constructs work, are presented to you within the context of your circumstances so that you can become acutely aware of the nuances triggering you to repeat the same patterns in hopes of things eventually changing.


The key thing about intensives is that they are opportunities for you to Be Cause of your reality. If you don’t want to Be Cause of your reality and prefer things just unfolding as you intend for the best outcome, we don’t recommend intensives.


During these sessions, the invisible becomes visible to you, on a personal level and on a collective scale. Dots connect. Seemingly disparate puzzle pieces come together. Oftentimes, when people hear about the concept of redefining their limitations, they automatically assume that means the destruction of their existing realities. It can also mean experiencing profound epiphanies and having realizations that suddenly make everything make sense.


Yes, there’s a lot of clarity that comes out of intensives. Having said that, clarity is not for the faint of heart. During these sessions, your perspective broadens very quickly and you’re supported in your expansion so that you can stabilize in the vastness of the bigger picture.


As far as what happens during intensives in human terms…we just have conversations.

What should I focus on in my intensives?

Your focus can be as broad as “expansion.” Or you may have identified patterns showing up in your life that you realize are holding you back and you’d like clarity on how to move forward. It could also be a more specific metaphysical question you’d like Guidance answering, such as:


  • What is the difference between incarnation and reincarnation?
  • Are Spirit and Soul the same thing?
  • How do Twin Flames and Twin Rays differ?
  • How do I Remember why I’m here?
  • Why do I have difficulty meditating?
  • How can I tell if I’m accumulating energetic debt?

The underlying focus of all intensives is multifaceted and includes:


  • expanding your awareness of Consciousness
  • navigating the acceleration of flow in your life with greater steadiness and stability
  • examining the subtle energetics influencing your current reality
  • clarifying how to Act in awareness with purposeful precision to align with Spirit while in a physical embodiment
  • reconciling the Truth that You Are an infinite Being (Spirit) in finite form (a human body)
  • discovering ways to ease the physical and subtle aspects of expansion as you leave your comfort zone and enter into your Unknown

Online or in person?

Sessions can take place either online or in person. We recommend scheduling 60 to 90 minutes per online session and a minimum of 3 hours for an in person session.

With whom do I book a session?

You can have sessions with Katherine. You can have sessions with Susan. You can also opt for sessions with both of us. If you want another person to join you during a session, you’re welcome to invite them along at no extra fee. If you haven’t met us before and you’re not sure who to pick, consider watching some of our YouTube videos or visit us on Telegram to start getting to know us.


Both Susan and Katherine contribute unique perspectives to an intensive. Susan focuses on activating your access to the Seat of Your Soul (your Spiritual Heart). This access point is known as the Upper Fourth. Her focus extends to basecamp elevation and Quantum Architecture. Katherine focuses on Oracular Sight and on the study and explanation of the application of complex metaphysical concepts. Both of us Contribute to Soul repair and Connection maintenance, to expanding on the Planetary Laws of Earth 5, as well as to the facilitation of the process of retrieving your Sacred Contract.

Do you provide transcriptions of my recorded sessions?

We absolutely do not provide transcriptions and there are two reasons why. It’s extremely important that you benefit directly from the content that surfaces during your sessions. It is not beneficial to the seeding of certain evolutionary futures for inorganic technologies to reap the rewards of your journey. In order to preserve the greatest potential for your own evolution, we encourage you to reconsider feeding your recordings to transcription services. Instead, consider engaging in the disciplined practice of Self study in which you take down your own notes, while listening to your recordings. The physical act of your taking notes can be an Alchemical process of anchoring profound awareness into your reality if done while engaged in the present. Encourage yourself to immerse into Self discovery. Take notes, create maps and diagrams of the concepts that emerge for you. Journal, reflect in meditation, and add to your notes. This is about you studying You. Give yourself the greatest possibilities by not diluting them into realities that haven’t earned them.

Group intensives

Intensives are all about redefinition. Redefinition is an essential part of the process of moving forward. For the past few years, we have offered intensives in the form of private sessions only. As of 2025, we are opening up the group experience to those who prefer the dynamics of a community context where the conversation becomes a broad tapestry of the unique perspectives of all participants involved. During a group intensive, participants engage in the redefinition of their circumstances.


Change the way you perceive things, and things begin to change.


Group intensives are an opportunity for you to converge with others invested in moving through their stuck points. These community experiences open the floor for you to join in on a conversation that exposes the rawness of challenge, the discomfort of difficulty, and the courage to face solutions. This isn’t about commiseration. It’s not about gossip, and it’s not fuel for the drama. Those who join a group intensive are ready to Work. The Work focuses on clearing lack of resolution, enhancing your capacity to discern, and clarifying confusion. In the process, you can redefine your reality.


Come to a group intensive prepared to answer the following question openly, honestly, and authentically: What challenge are you ready to face?


Group intensives differ from the online study groups. Whereas the study groups focus on the examination of metaphysical concepts without personal context, the group intensives explore your personal circumstances as you determine how to move through obstacles in your life. It can get intimate fast. You can consider it this way: the study groups put the concept on centre stage, whereas the group intensives invite you to go on centre stage.


By sharing your experiences and your perspectives with others in the group, you give participants the opportunity to expand their own perspectives as they enrich their views through yours. In turn, you collectively expose the invisible foundations upon which your opportunities for expansion await your discovery.


Remember, limitations represent the extent of your experience. When you live your life within the boundaries of your existing limitations without taking steps to redefine your limitations, you exist within lived experience. In other words, stay in the familiar and you stay within your limitations. This is when doing your best is reduced to your existing accomplishments. Redefine your limitations, and you can evolve beyond your containment. What happens next can be quite incredible. You may not recognize yourself as you redefine the way you interpret life to be. You may even watch yourself Being able to handle situations that you didn’t think you could survive. That’s the potency of redefinition.


Group intensives are open to the public and there is no prerequisite to attend. These conversations are recorded and the recordings are made available in your private portals for further Self study.


These group experiences are highly engaging and immersive. Be ready to participate in the conversation and open up in the same way you would during private sessions. Please note that there is no guarantee that everyone in the group will have their challenges showcased during the session.


Inviting someone new to the community to participate in a group intensive comes with the benefit of a monetary return:


Online group intensives: $50 rebate for both you and your invitee
In-Person group intensives: $70 rebate for both you and your invitee


Simply reply to the email receipt you receive confirming your registration to a group intensive and include the details of whom you are referring. The applicable rebate will be issued to both of you post-event. Please note that no shows do not qualify for rebates.


For details of upcoming group sessions, click here.

It’s a journey.

It’s an immensely profound journey.

Intensives tend to be a catalytic first step in this process of Remembering.

People who include intensives in their Spiritual discipline step into their Power with humility, transparency, and willingness to face undiscovered aspects of themselves. Guidance of this kind offers you the potent potential to awaken to deeply profound transformation. This transformation is available to all Soulful Beings focused on advancing on their unique evolutionary journeys.

You’re welcome to contact us to discuss whether an intensive is your next step. You can ask as many questions about the process as you’d like but know that eventually, you’ll enter into areas that the mind isn’t equipped to comprehend. That’s when trust, courage, and allowance become key.