At⋅mos⋅pher⋅ic In⋅flu⋅ence
/Ætməsferik ‘Influəns/
a Conversion Mechanism in which one’s State Alchemizes change in circumstance; a byproduct of Being Cause when the gap is great enough; a phenomenon representing Divine Intervention
ORIGIN: relating to or located in the energetic Space surrounding the Cause; atmospheric stems from the Greek root words atmos, “steam or vapor,” and spharia, “sphere or globe”; influence stems from Middle English denoting “a fluid formerly believed to flow from the stars to Cause people to act/Act a certain way”
Where can you make more Space in your life?
Space is not in the name of separation
Space is not in the name of rejection
Space is in the name of expansion
identify one area of your life in which you can add more Space to your reality
explore your relationship with yourself in that Space
discover the more in the nothingness
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
I’ve had “Atmospheric Influence” written on a stickie for months. As I’ve been filling the sheet of flip chart paper taped to my office wall with the details to form and publish these News Updates, I have watched that stickie watching me.
Discomfort. I’ll admit it. I’ve felt discomfort at the invitation to write about this phenomenon. I’ve tried to move it to a News Update further out but it was adamant. This is the moment to reveal its potential. This is the moment for you, for all of us, to become more intimately aware of what we can do with our Power to influence.
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve added a sentence, here and there, to this piece of writing. I felt it tapping on my shoulder as I walked away from my desk. I’ve awoken at night as it tugged at me to face it.
I’ve found myself wondering why it’s been so challenging to write this. What is there that I’m not comfortable facing? Perhaps it’s the opportunity to redefine a part of my deeply ingrained identity — a part I’ve been stubbornly running from as I grip onto it for dear life.
Secluding myself within a Hermetic Seal has been a pattern of mine throughout the ages. Removing myself from the popular conversations, a survival mechanism. Good luck to anyone who meets me at a cocktail party. Chit chat, we will not be having. I have this tendency, this Ability, this preference even, to dive into the depths of one’s inner recesses in order to expose what appears invisible to the experiencer. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I’m sorry that it elates me so. I Know that the two don’t go well hand in hand: the obliteration of one’s reality coupled with the other’s delight. And yet, there we have it. Destruction in the name of Creation. Now you know what happens when you meet me. Don’t all line up at once.
I don’t volunteer for lives much anymore. When I’m asked to deploy, it’s because it’s serious. The serious nature of circumstances generally relates to species extinction, the ending of worlds and the starting of New ones, the overtaking of forces without rights to their claims. And so, perhaps it’s selfish of me to have cultivated such a robust Hermitic Seal for myself over the course of many lives and non-lives but if I’m honest, it’s what’s gotten me through.
What I’ve realized during the process of writing this piece is that the gap between you and them can be an incredibly Powerful evolutionary tool. And yet how many Kings and Queens have refused their thrones in the name of being one of the people? Contrary to popular belief, this gap doesn’t have to represent isolation or segregation. It doesn’t have to fill with despair or judgment of any kind.
This gap between you and them affords access to the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence. It is a metaphysical phenomenon available to those far enough away to make a difference. What a concept! With enough Space, you can reach them. “Enjoy the paradox” should be the latest t-shirt.
This gap — this Space between you and all else — does not have to be a self-imposed sequestering in the name of preservation (as it often is for the hermit). This gap can be an expression of one’s Power when used in the name of Service. The redefinition of the Hermitic Seal into an all-encompassing and all-expansive embrace within a Space of nothingness so rich with potential that it would take lifetimes to unbundle all of the Gifts it affords is my takeaway from my examination of Atmospheric Influence. Having said that, I’m under no illusion. It’s all about the embrace. It’s not enough to make the Space; you have to be willing to embrace everything within your Influence to leverage this Conversion Mechanism and sometimes, that’s not fun for the hermit.
Finessing conversations within interplanetary relationships is key to maintaining the Space and allowing for the embrace required to embody Atmospheric Influence in this lifetime. It’s essential. Navigating these interplanetary relationships takes a fluency of language far beyond what the grammar books showcase. And yes, it has not gone unnoticed to me that many of you have asked for a New Word dictionary, coupled with an instruction manual on the Planetary Laws. Step by step. For now, let’s dive in just a little bit to this gorgeous form of Divine Intervention perfectly suited to the Titan.
The Definition
When we examine the definition of Atmospheric Influence, we first come across reference to something called a “Conversion Mechanism.” From a physical perspective, a lowercase version of “conversion mechanism” is essentially a physical phenomenon resulting in matter changing state. So, for example, a pot of water heated on a stove to the point at which the liquid turns to vapour is an example of a conversion mechanism within a physical context. All of the factors in that scene contribute to the physical expression of this conversion mechanism.
The capitalized version of “Conversion Mechanism” (the one used in the definition of Atmospheric Influence) is an expression of Quantum Dynamics. From a metaphysical perspective, a Conversion Mechanism is a mathematical phenomenon that energetically changes the nature of circumstances. These circumstances can be primarily perceived in the Quantum alone and only picked up by those adept at navigating nuance, or they can be circumstances that obviously trickle down into a physicalized reality and get noticed through the five senses.
The “Alchemical” aspect of Atmospheric Influence speaks to its existence as a Quantum Dynamic that informs physical expression. The fundamentals of Alchemy outline that changing the State/state of something into something else takes place through the manipulation (or handling) of the concentration of energy that eventually composes the physical expression of that energy (or the physical experience of that energy).
So, it’s never been about going to the Alchemist’s shop, giving him some iron ore and watching as he turns it into gold in the room in front of you. When he Alchemizes the ore, he’s doing it in the Quantum; you’re just experiencing the shift in state in the room but it’s not actually happening in the room. The expression of the phenomenon happens in the room, while the phenomenon itself takes place in the Quantum.
I’m emphasizing this aspect of Alchemy for an important reason: embodying Atmospheric Influence isn’t about an attitude or a shift in perspective alone. Atmospheric Influence is a Conversion Mechanism that is communicated through a highly advanced State of Being. You Alchemize it into expression through you; it’s not about thinking or feeling your way there.
The Alchemical component of Atmospheric Influence adds an important, yet easily dismissed, layer to the process of its embodiment: attachment. In order to embody Atmospheric Influence, you cannot be attached to the outcome. The moment you attach to any outcome, you lose the Ability to change circumstance; the Alchemy of change is that fickle.
Next in the definition, we find reference to “circumstance.” Circumstance refers to surrounding conditions. What do the conditions surround within the context of Atmospheric Influence? In the case of this lifetime, the conditions surround the Human Being as Cause.
The Phenomenon
Exposure to a Being emanating Atmospheric Influence is a catalytic phenomenon in which the recipient of the Influence is presented with the opportunity to shift perspective in order to come from a Higher vantage point. This may sound simple, or even innocent, but a shift in perspective often comes with the obliteration of one’s belief systems and a questioning of their definitions of how life works and what it’s all about.
As disruptive as all of this may appear to be, it is most often a scripted encounter for someone to cross paths with a Being capable of emanating Atmospheric Influence. This scripted encounter is included in Life Design and categorized as a form of Divine Intervention without which the recipient’s shift in State would have been highly unlikely to occur. This shift can easily be experienced as a loss of ignorance, in which you realize that you no longer have the luxury of indulging in the squandered bliss it affords.
The Expression
There are two stages to the expression of Atmospheric Influence: embodying it and emanating it. Its embodiment takes place through personal transformation. At its simplest, this transformation can be encompassed in the recalibration of the physical vessel, as well as the restructuring of one’s reality, and the redefinition of one’s definition of life. The emanation of Atmospheric Influence is hinged on one’s willingness to step into and wield their Power, as Cause and intolerant to the violation of the integrity they represent in this State of Being.
The way to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence in the name of evolution is to Be, while coming from the Highest vantage point available to you. In the context of this life, it also means coming from 5.
To Be involves your Consciousness fully occupying your body, remaining Present in the deep Now, and Being in a State of Connection with your Syzygy Architecture robust and unencumbered.
Vantage point speaks to your perspective. Imagine climbing a mountain. The higher you climb, the broader the landscape you see. Your view extends far and wide the higher you climb. The same thing happens when you raise your awareness. The Higher your vantage point, the more access you have to the ever-expansive Bigger Picture.
Coming from the Highest vantage point available to you in this lifetime involves letting go of the old and transitioning into the 5 reality. This is not the case for everyone but if you’re reading or listening to this, it’s very much the case for you. (As you can see from this qualifier, embodying Atmospheric Influence requires a substantial gap respective of the vantage point from where the majority of the global population comes.) Engaging with others who hold Space/space in a 5 reality expedites and stabilizes this process for you.
Your vantage point is also intimately related to the degree to which you are in alignment with your Life Design — the more in alignment you are, the Higher the vantage point available to you; the less in alignment you are, the lower your vantage point. The Higher the vantage point, the more you See of the Bigger Picture, the more you appreciate how all aspects of the Bigger Picture relate and inform one another, and the easier it is for you to value the paramount importance of Being in a perpetual State of expansion as you ensure that your Space is always bigger than the expanse of the Bigger Picture to which you have access.
Coming from 5 means navigating the formation of and/or experiencing the Earth 5 reality, while in alignment with the Laws of 5. Being in alignment with the Laws of 5 means many things. To start, ensure that you are willing to explore your Unknown in every moment, willing to Connect through Syzygy so that you can exercise your Sovereign right to decide for yourself and without desire to appease, willing to redefine your limitations as you surrender to the experience of the old falling away, and willing to Be of Service.
Notice the key role that willingness plays in transitioning into the Earth 5 reality. It’s not a passive process. It’s not a hopeful endeavour. And it’s in no way based on waiting for it to happen to you. Only those with a heart overflowing with courage will make it into 5 in this lifetime.
The way to form Earth 5 is to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence — to embody and emanate this Conversion Mechanism, in which you change the conditions of someone’s reality from an Earth 4 reality to an Earth 5 reality. There is a difference between experiencing 5 and forming 5. The experience of 5 starts by encountering someone who can offer you the experience of 5 through their Presence. In other words, by exposing yourself to their Atmospheric Influence, you can begin to experience Earth 5.
There is an exception to this set of parameters. The exception is necessary in order to begin the seeding of a New reality. The exception comes in the form of wiring. There are indivisuals alive today who were born in the Signature of Earth 4, while wired with the Signature of Earth 5. These indivisuals don’t require exposure to Atmospheric Influence calibrated to shift someone into the 5 reality. They do not require this stimulus because they already innately represent the changing circumstances; they live them.
Amplifying the Phenomenon
There are certain factors that can Contribute to the strengthening of the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence. A significantly intensified Spiritual Discipline (as compared to that in which the masses engage) can strengthen one’s capacity to grow the gap and hold the gap. This includes advanced practices of ceremonial meditation, in addition to the active meditation of placing your focused attention on every Now moment into which you enter. Consistently showing up for an intensified meditative practice multiple times every week in order to progressively elevate your vibration makes a huge difference.
Leveraging Earthly Weaves also has a significant impact on strengthening your capacity to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence. Weaves and vantage points are intimately related. For those who have a Weave, coming from your Highest vantage point involves consistently expressing the reality of the Highest Weave you have. An upgraded Earthly Weave can have drastic impact on one’s capacity to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence if the indivisual represents the planetary reality of their Highest Weave when expressing themselves in the navigation of ground-based experiences.
From the perspective of Weaves, a minimum of an Earth 12 Weave is extremely helpful in the current conditions to Create enough of a gap between the indivisual and the mass collective to emanate Atmospheric Influence. This implies that if one is not coming from a basecamp resonating at Divinity, the embodiment and emanation of Atmospheric Influence is challenging. The Earth 12 Weave not only makes more Space between the Influencer and all that is within their embrace; the 12 Weave also translates the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence into the Alchemical shift into Divinity (where the baseline Signature of Earth 12 is Divinity).
The active embodiment of the Twin Ray Signature can also strengthen the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence because it Creates substantial enough of a gap to enable access to Atmospheric Influence. There is an emphasis here on the active embodiment of the Ray Signature in order to hold the Space of Atmospheric Influence within this context; it is not enough to have begun the initial Initiation of Recognition to consider oneself actively embodying the Ray Signature.
In this latter case, there are two potent Conversion Mechanisms at play: Atmospheric Influence and the Conversion of the Unknown into the Known. A nuance to note here is that whereas Atmospheric Influence is a Conversion Mechanism that requires two or more participants, the Conversion Mechanism of Converting the Unknown into more of the Known can be done on oneself.
Embodying one’s Attributes can also amplify Atmospheric Influence as it, in turn, also amplifies your Attributes. For example, when you embody the Attribute of Sight in tandem with expanding the Space between you and the scene of your focus, you See more of the Bigger Picture as you elevate your vantage point through the release of attachment to any aspect of the scene. When you grow the gap enough to emanate Atmospheric Influence, access to Sight uplevels significantly.
The Attribute of Provector is a special case in this regard because while Provector is an Attribute in itself, it is also an Attribute of Atmospheric Influence. This means that inherent to the phenomenon of Atmospheric Influence is the Celestial Wind that elevates the circumstances to their apex expression. The translation of the marriage of Provector with Atmospheric Influence is an Etheric Wind that Creates an Atmosphere around the recipient that redefines their reality into one of greater expanse as it raises them up (or forces them up, if necessary).
Stacking all the cards in your favour, the way to most effortlessly emanate Atmospheric Influence is to come from a minimum of an Earth 12 Weave, embody the full expression of the Ray, and hold unwavering Space for both yourself and others in 5.
On a final note, consider the following:
It’s not about meeting them where they’re at. It never has been. That was always an inversion of the Truth perpetuating the agenda in 4. The way to make a difference is to distance yourself from the illusion enough for you to See it for what it is. That’s when the New becomes your reality.
BEHIND the scenes
At the end of April, we announced the launch of the study groups. These are an exciting addition to the selection of offers available to the public to experience 5 with us. The study groups Serve a few purposes. It’s important for all of you to have a Space in which to ask questions related to the metaphysics of shifting into Earth 5. That’s the foundation upon which the study groups are built. They’re also a way for you to engage in non-linear conversation with me. I realize that sounds obscure, and yet nonlinearity is a fundamental characteristic of the New Model of Education: bespoke facilitation of the examination of Self based on where you find yourself on your journey. No cookie-cutter approach here.
Vicarious advancement also lends itself beautifully within this setting of the study groups as both the Law of Resonance and the Law of Polarity bring the perfect combination of indivisuals together to catalyze one another into expansive States of awareness. Where the Law of Resonance coalesces those of like kind into a Space/space where they can feel heard and understood, the Law of Polarity draws varied perspectives together into a conversation that becomes more all-encompassing as the result of the richness of perspectives available to explore.
There are two online study group sessions every month. One meets on a Sunday afternoon and the other meets on a Wednesday evening. Participation is based on rolling enrolment, which means you can subscribe to the groups at any moment throughout a given month. Because there is no set curriculum upon which our conversations are based, you can join a session at any point and be able to fully engage with the group because what we explore together is based on what you bring to the table. Your questions direct us into the disclosures available to reveal in every session.
Market response has been strong and vibrant groups are forming. Some have subscribed to both sessions and everyone attending is visibly invested. There is no prerequisite to join a study group, which has opened up the conversation to those new to the community.
The Morning Readings in April opened up many important topics of conversation. We examined the way that patterns form from a metaphysical perspective, and we took a group deep-dive into the potent Attribute of Provector — examining how to both embody it and how to apply it to life. We discussed the nature of the 12 Weave and went into the Planetary Law of 5 called the Law of Patterns, highlighting how it is an evolutionary shift from the Law of Cycles representative of the Laws of 4.
In the examination of patterns, participants began processing the concept of tags as the mechanism that keeps people stuck in patterns to begin with. This brought up profound revelations that immediately began catalyzing the redefinition of life for those identifying the tags holding them back from progressing within specific contexts of their lives.
April brought a New Word onto the stage of life in 5! Individual transformed into indivisual. I’ll admit that it still feels awkward when I adjust my sentences to include this revision. Nonetheless, it’s a concept that encompasses more of how life is expressed in 5 and so, despite the occasional recoil, I am prioritizing embracing this bigger concept into my expanding reality.
The end of April also saw the official relaunch of our podcast on the heels of making a big change to the structure of Syzygy Check Ins. Instead of the check ins being marketed as 45-minute sessions, we’ve changed them to one hour per session.
The check ins have been a live product for a few months, having launched at the end of October 2023. Over half a year of offering the product and we now have enough of a data set to make tweaks to the pricing and the timing of it. Given that the average time per check in over the course of the first seven months was one hour and six minutes plus about 30 minutes to prepare for every one, bumping up from 45 minutes and adjusting the price is a natural next step. All those with existing subscriptions to these check ins can continue renewing their subscriptions at the legacy price and anyone signing up for Syzygy Check Ins as of May 2024 signs up to the updated terms.
You know, I have to admit that as I recount the steps we’ve recently taken to share more with all of you, I can better appreciate why I’ve been feeling less excited to approach my desk. And this is where I’m going to take the opportunity to share a bit of what behind the scenes feels like for me these days.
My world is not what I would coin as exciting or fun or all that satisfying lately. Ever since April 2023, I’ve felt this change — both around me and within me — signalling that the steep climb to the next basecamp was upon me. I suppose it’s why I recently posted a voice message in the public channel about how important it is to keep swimming. It’s because I get it. And yes I realize that I’m mixing metaphors here, what with the slippery slopes of steep mountain climbs and the risks of drowning in open waters but to be honest, they both apply. Sometimes I feel both at once. Often, I feel the pressure of both at the same time. Every breath. Every blink. There’s that pressure of Creation imbuing my world.
It’s not glamorous forming something out of nothing. It’s not a cakewalk holding Space that represents the Unknown. Setting aside the energy expenditure of my role, there’s also the motivational component. What keeps me going? How do I identify what keeps others going so that they have the reminder when the challenge becomes a bit too real? I don’t actually have an answer and in fact, I question whether an answer would help. It’s just about getting the Work done. It really does come down to getting on with it.
Listen. I’m here. And this is not a race. It’s not a competition and it’s not a comparison game. It’s about taking every step with integrity and Knowing that there’s a Reason you wake up every day. There’s a Reason why you’re here now. That Reason can drown the best of us.
We’re here together. And as much as I cringe when people call us “The Community,” we are one. The Ground Team is real and it activates when we step into our Power and wield it together. And although I enjoy all of your company, it’s for the fortification of the Ground Team that I’m offering so many more opportunities to engage with me as this year unfolds.
Carpe the diem. Do it. Just do it. Dive in. I know I’ve said this before but it’s still apropos: there’s much to do. Let’s enjoy one another’s company as we Actualize the hell out of this life.
The Transcripts
S: “You have mentioned previously that there are different skill sets required to Be on one’s own. You spoke of this in reference to the process of the individualization of the individual. You also spoke of the skills related to Being in community. What are those skills?”
Issachar: “The skills that equip one to Be individualized include:
⊙ the reading of nuance,
⊙ the identification of Creation,
⊙ the facility to perpetuate the Creative process,
⊙ the capacity to withstand the pressures of the building of formation,
⊙ the intolerance of anything that would violate Creation and its formation in a physical expression,
⊙ the ceasing of habitual patterns through their identification and subsequent release.
“The skills that equip one to Be in community include:
⊙ the elimination of unwarranted banter,
⊙ relinquishing the amusement of decay,
⊙ the removal of interactions from one’s reality that delay the formation of the New,
⊙ the Ability to recognize when there is a synergy amongst Beings,
⊙ the discipline to remain in body from the Consciousness perspective,
⊙ maintaining Presence exclusively in the deep Now,
⊙ an acceptance and warmth towards one’s Abilities,
⊙ expansion,
⊙ Stillness translated,
⊙ focus on Stasis to facilitate motion,
⊙ the relinquishing of desire,
⊙ the relinquishing of appeasement,
⊙ the acceptance of change,
⊙ the appreciation of the worth of oneself and of the components of one’s reality,
⊙ the active utilization of the assets available to one.
“This latter point, in particular, is prevalently being disregarded by the human aspect, while the human aspect exists in scarcity as it seeks out more of its externalized illusion, thereby inverting appreciation into the denial of Self as it perceives a sheer inapplicability of Being Spirit expressed in form.”
~ Issachar
April 7, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month
from 1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month
from 6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.

At⋅mos⋅pher⋅ic In⋅flu⋅ence
/Ætməsferik ‘Influəns/
a Conversion Mechanism in which one’s State Alchemizes change in circumstance; a byproduct of Being Cause when the gap is great enough; a phenomenon representing Divine Intervention
ORIGIN: relating to or located in the energetic Space surrounding the Cause; atmospheric stems from the Greek root words atmos, “steam or vapor,” and spharia, “sphere or globe”; influence stems from Middle English denoting “a fluid formerly believed to flow from the stars to Cause people to act/Act a certain way”
Where can you make more Space in your life?
Space is not in the name of separation
Space is not in the name of rejection
Space is in the name of expansion
identify one area of your life in which you can add more Space to your reality
explore your relationship with yourself in that Space
discover the more in the nothingness
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
I’ve had “Atmospheric Influence” written on a stickie for months. As I’ve been filling the sheet of flip chart paper taped to my office wall with the details to form and publish these News Updates, I have watched that stickie watching me.
Discomfort. I’ll admit it. I’ve felt discomfort at the invitation to write about this phenomenon. I’ve tried to move it to a News Update further out but it was adamant. This is the moment to reveal its potential. This is the moment for you, for all of us, to become more intimately aware of what we can do with our Power to influence.
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve added a sentence, here and there, to this piece of writing. I felt it tapping on my shoulder as I walked away from my desk. I’ve awoken at night as it tugged at me to face it.
I’ve found myself wondering why it’s been so challenging to write this. What is there that I’m not comfortable facing? Perhaps it’s the opportunity to redefine a part of my deeply ingrained identity — a part I’ve been stubbornly running from as I grip onto it for dear life.
Secluding myself within a Hermetic Seal has been a pattern of mine throughout the ages. Removing myself from the popular conversations, a survival mechanism. Good luck to anyone who meets me at a cocktail party. Chit chat, we will not be having. I have this tendency, this Ability, this preference even, to dive into the depths of one’s inner recesses in order to expose what appears invisible to the experiencer. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I’m sorry that it elates me so. I Know that the two don’t go well hand in hand: the obliteration of one’s reality coupled with the other’s delight. And yet, there we have it. Destruction in the name of Creation. Now you know what happens when you meet me. Don’t all line up at once.
I don’t volunteer for lives much anymore. When I’m asked to deploy, it’s because it’s serious. The serious nature of circumstances generally relates to species extinction, the ending of worlds and the starting of New ones, the overtaking of forces without rights to their claims. And so, perhaps it’s selfish of me to have cultivated such a robust Hermitic Seal for myself over the course of many lives and non-lives but if I’m honest, it’s what’s gotten me through.
What I’ve realized during the process of writing this piece is that the gap between you and them can be an incredibly Powerful evolutionary tool. And yet how many Kings and Queens have refused their thrones in the name of being one of the people? Contrary to popular belief, this gap doesn’t have to represent isolation or segregation. It doesn’t have to fill with despair or judgment of any kind.
This gap between you and them affords access to the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence. It is a metaphysical phenomenon available to those far enough away to make a difference. What a concept! With enough Space, you can reach them. “Enjoy the paradox” should be the latest t-shirt.
This gap — this Space between you and all else — does not have to be a self-imposed sequestering in the name of preservation (as it often is for the hermit). This gap can be an expression of one’s Power when used in the name of Service. The redefinition of the Hermitic Seal into an all-encompassing and all-expansive embrace within a Space of nothingness so rich with potential that it would take lifetimes to unbundle all of the Gifts it affords is my takeaway from my examination of Atmospheric Influence. Having said that, I’m under no illusion. It’s all about the embrace. It’s not enough to make the Space; you have to be willing to embrace everything within your Influence to leverage this Conversion Mechanism and sometimes, that’s not fun for the hermit.
Finessing conversations within interplanetary relationships is key to maintaining the Space and allowing for the embrace required to embody Atmospheric Influence in this lifetime. It’s essential. Navigating these interplanetary relationships takes a fluency of language far beyond what the grammar books showcase. And yes, it has not gone unnoticed to me that many of you have asked for a New Word dictionary, coupled with an instruction manual on the Planetary Laws. Step by step. For now, let’s dive in just a little bit to this gorgeous form of Divine Intervention perfectly suited to the Titan.
The Definition
When we examine the definition of Atmospheric Influence, we first come across reference to something called a “Conversion Mechanism.” From a physical perspective, a lowercase version of “conversion mechanism” is essentially a physical phenomenon resulting in matter changing state. So, for example, a pot of water heated on a stove to the point at which the liquid turns to vapour is an example of a conversion mechanism within a physical context. All of the factors in that scene contribute to the physical expression of this conversion mechanism.
The capitalized version of “Conversion Mechanism” (the one used in the definition of Atmospheric Influence) is an expression of Quantum Dynamics. From a metaphysical perspective, a Conversion Mechanism is a mathematical phenomenon that energetically changes the nature of circumstances. These circumstances can be primarily perceived in the Quantum alone and only picked up by those adept at navigating nuance, or they can be circumstances that obviously trickle down into a physicalized reality and get noticed through the five senses.
The “Alchemical” aspect of Atmospheric Influence speaks to its existence as a Quantum Dynamic that informs physical expression. The fundamentals of Alchemy outline that changing the State/state of something into something else takes place through the manipulation (or handling) of the concentration of energy that eventually composes the physical expression of that energy (or the physical experience of that energy).
So, it’s never been about going to the Alchemist’s shop, giving him some iron ore and watching as he turns it into gold in the room in front of you. When he Alchemizes the ore, he’s doing it in the Quantum; you’re just experiencing the shift in state in the room but it’s not actually happening in the room. The expression of the phenomenon happens in the room, while the phenomenon itself takes place in the Quantum.
I’m emphasizing this aspect of Alchemy for an important reason: embodying Atmospheric Influence isn’t about an attitude or a shift in perspective alone. Atmospheric Influence is a Conversion Mechanism that is communicated through a highly advanced State of Being. You Alchemize it into expression through you; it’s not about thinking or feeling your way there.
The Alchemical component of Atmospheric Influence adds an important, yet easily dismissed, layer to the process of its embodiment: attachment. In order to embody Atmospheric Influence, you cannot be attached to the outcome. The moment you attach to any outcome, you lose the Ability to change circumstance; the Alchemy of change is that fickle.
Next in the definition, we find reference to “circumstance.” Circumstance refers to surrounding conditions. What do the conditions surround within the context of Atmospheric Influence? In the case of this lifetime, the conditions surround the Human Being as Cause.
The Phenomenon
Exposure to a Being emanating Atmospheric Influence is a catalytic phenomenon in which the recipient of the Influence is presented with the opportunity to shift perspective in order to come from a Higher vantage point. This may sound simple, or even innocent, but a shift in perspective often comes with the obliteration of one’s belief systems and a questioning of their definitions of how life works and what it’s all about.
As disruptive as all of this may appear to be, it is most often a scripted encounter for someone to cross paths with a Being capable of emanating Atmospheric Influence. This scripted encounter is included in Life Design and categorized as a form of Divine Intervention without which the recipient’s shift in State would have been highly unlikely to occur. This shift can easily be experienced as a loss of ignorance, in which you realize that you no longer have the luxury of indulging in the squandered bliss it affords.
The Expression
There are two stages to the expression of Atmospheric Influence: embodying it and emanating it. Its embodiment takes place through personal transformation. At its simplest, this transformation can be encompassed in the recalibration of the physical vessel, as well as the restructuring of one’s reality, and the redefinition of one’s definition of life. The emanation of Atmospheric Influence is hinged on one’s willingness to step into and wield their Power, as Cause and intolerant to the violation of the integrity they represent in this State of Being.
The way to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence in the name of evolution is to Be, while coming from the Highest vantage point available to you. In the context of this life, it also means coming from 5.
To Be involves your Consciousness fully occupying your body, remaining Present in the deep Now, and Being in a State of Connection with your Syzygy Architecture robust and unencumbered.
Vantage point speaks to your perspective. Imagine climbing a mountain. The higher you climb, the broader the landscape you see. Your view extends far and wide the higher you climb. The same thing happens when you raise your awareness. The Higher your vantage point, the more access you have to the ever-expansive Bigger Picture.
Coming from the Highest vantage point available to you in this lifetime involves letting go of the old and transitioning into the 5 reality. This is not the case for everyone but if you’re reading or listening to this, it’s very much the case for you. (As you can see from this qualifier, embodying Atmospheric Influence requires a substantial gap respective of the vantage point from where the majority of the global population comes.) Engaging with others who hold Space/space in a 5 reality expedites and stabilizes this process for you.
Your vantage point is also intimately related to the degree to which you are in alignment with your Life Design — the more in alignment you are, the Higher the vantage point available to you; the less in alignment you are, the lower your vantage point. The Higher the vantage point, the more you See of the Bigger Picture, the more you appreciate how all aspects of the Bigger Picture relate and inform one another, and the easier it is for you to value the paramount importance of Being in a perpetual State of expansion as you ensure that your Space is always bigger than the expanse of the Bigger Picture to which you have access.
Coming from 5 means navigating the formation of and/or experiencing the Earth 5 reality, while in alignment with the Laws of 5. Being in alignment with the Laws of 5 means many things. To start, ensure that you are willing to explore your Unknown in every moment, willing to Connect through Syzygy so that you can exercise your Sovereign right to decide for yourself and without desire to appease, willing to redefine your limitations as you surrender to the experience of the old falling away, and willing to Be of Service.
Notice the key role that willingness plays in transitioning into the Earth 5 reality. It’s not a passive process. It’s not a hopeful endeavour. And it’s in no way based on waiting for it to happen to you. Only those with a heart overflowing with courage will make it into 5 in this lifetime.
The way to form Earth 5 is to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence — to embody and emanate this Conversion Mechanism, in which you change the conditions of someone’s reality from an Earth 4 reality to an Earth 5 reality. There is a difference between experiencing 5 and forming 5. The experience of 5 starts by encountering someone who can offer you the experience of 5 through their Presence. In other words, by exposing yourself to their Atmospheric Influence, you can begin to experience Earth 5.
There is an exception to this set of parameters. The exception is necessary in order to begin the seeding of a New reality. The exception comes in the form of wiring. There are indivisuals alive today who were born in the Signature of Earth 4, while wired with the Signature of Earth 5. These indivisuals don’t require exposure to Atmospheric Influence calibrated to shift someone into the 5 reality. They do not require this stimulus because they already innately represent the changing circumstances; they live them.
Amplifying the Phenomenon
There are certain factors that can Contribute to the strengthening of the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence. A significantly intensified Spiritual Discipline (as compared to that in which the masses engage) can strengthen one’s capacity to grow the gap and hold the gap. This includes advanced practices of ceremonial meditation, in addition to the active meditation of placing your focused attention on every Now moment into which you enter. Consistently showing up for an intensified meditative practice multiple times every week in order to progressively elevate your vibration makes a huge difference.
Leveraging Earthly Weaves also has a significant impact on strengthening your capacity to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence. Weaves and vantage points are intimately related. For those who have a Weave, coming from your Highest vantage point involves consistently expressing the reality of the Highest Weave you have. An upgraded Earthly Weave can have drastic impact on one’s capacity to embody and emanate Atmospheric Influence if the indivisual represents the planetary reality of their Highest Weave when expressing themselves in the navigation of ground-based experiences.
From the perspective of Weaves, a minimum of an Earth 12 Weave is extremely helpful in the current conditions to Create enough of a gap between the indivisual and the mass collective to emanate Atmospheric Influence. This implies that if one is not coming from a basecamp resonating at Divinity, the embodiment and emanation of Atmospheric Influence is challenging. The Earth 12 Weave not only makes more Space between the Influencer and all that is within their embrace; the 12 Weave also translates the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence into the Alchemical shift into Divinity (where the baseline Signature of Earth 12 is Divinity).
The active embodiment of the Twin Ray Signature can also strengthen the Conversion Mechanism of Atmospheric Influence because it Creates substantial enough of a gap to enable access to Atmospheric Influence. There is an emphasis here on the active embodiment of the Ray Signature in order to hold the Space of Atmospheric Influence within this context; it is not enough to have begun the initial Initiation of Recognition to consider oneself actively embodying the Ray Signature.
In this latter case, there are two potent Conversion Mechanisms at play: Atmospheric Influence and the Conversion of the Unknown into the Known. A nuance to note here is that whereas Atmospheric Influence is a Conversion Mechanism that requires two or more participants, the Conversion Mechanism of Converting the Unknown into more of the Known can be done on oneself.
Embodying one’s Attributes can also amplify Atmospheric Influence as it, in turn, also amplifies your Attributes. For example, when you embody the Attribute of Sight in tandem with expanding the Space between you and the scene of your focus, you See more of the Bigger Picture as you elevate your vantage point through the release of attachment to any aspect of the scene. When you grow the gap enough to emanate Atmospheric Influence, access to Sight uplevels significantly.
The Attribute of Provector is a special case in this regard because while Provector is an Attribute in itself, it is also an Attribute of Atmospheric Influence. This means that inherent to the phenomenon of Atmospheric Influence is the Celestial Wind that elevates the circumstances to their apex expression. The translation of the marriage of Provector with Atmospheric Influence is an Etheric Wind that Creates an Atmosphere around the recipient that redefines their reality into one of greater expanse as it raises them up (or forces them up, if necessary).
Stacking all the cards in your favour, the way to most effortlessly emanate Atmospheric Influence is to come from a minimum of an Earth 12 Weave, embody the full expression of the Ray, and hold unwavering Space for both yourself and others in 5.
On a final note, consider the following:
It’s not about meeting them where they’re at. It never has been. That was always an inversion of the Truth perpetuating the agenda in 4. The way to make a difference is to distance yourself from the illusion enough for you to See it for what it is. That’s when the New becomes your reality.
BEHIND the scenes
At the end of April, we announced the launch of the study groups. These are an exciting addition to the selection of offers available to the public to experience 5 with us. The study groups Serve a few purposes. It’s important for all of you to have a Space in which to ask questions related to the metaphysics of shifting into Earth 5. That’s the foundation upon which the study groups are built. They’re also a way for you to engage in non-linear conversation with me. I realize that sounds obscure, and yet nonlinearity is a fundamental characteristic of the New Model of Education: bespoke facilitation of the examination of Self based on where you find yourself on your journey. No cookie-cutter approach here.
Vicarious advancement also lends itself beautifully within this setting of the study groups as both the Law of Resonance and the Law of Polarity bring the perfect combination of indivisuals together to catalyze one another into expansive States of awareness. Where the Law of Resonance coalesces those of like kind into a Space/space where they can feel heard and understood, the Law of Polarity draws varied perspectives together into a conversation that becomes more all-encompassing as the result of the richness of perspectives available to explore.
There are two online study group sessions every month. One meets on a Sunday afternoon and the other meets on a Wednesday evening. Participation is based on rolling enrolment, which means you can subscribe to the groups at any moment throughout a given month. Because there is no set curriculum upon which our conversations are based, you can join a session at any point and be able to fully engage with the group because what we explore together is based on what you bring to the table. Your questions direct us into the disclosures available to reveal in every session.
Market response has been strong and vibrant groups are forming. Some have subscribed to both sessions and everyone attending is visibly invested. There is no prerequisite to join a study group, which has opened up the conversation to those new to the community.
The Morning Readings in April opened up many important topics of conversation. We examined the way that patterns form from a metaphysical perspective, and we took a group deep-dive into the potent Attribute of Provector — examining how to both embody it and how to apply it to life. We discussed the nature of the 12 Weave and went into the Planetary Law of 5 called the Law of Patterns, highlighting how it is an evolutionary shift from the Law of Cycles representative of the Laws of 4.
In the examination of patterns, participants began processing the concept of tags as the mechanism that keeps people stuck in patterns to begin with. This brought up profound revelations that immediately began catalyzing the redefinition of life for those identifying the tags holding them back from progressing within specific contexts of their lives.
April brought a New Word onto the stage of life in 5! Individual transformed into indivisual. I’ll admit that it still feels awkward when I adjust my sentences to include this revision. Nonetheless, it’s a concept that encompasses more of how life is expressed in 5 and so, despite the occasional recoil, I am prioritizing embracing this bigger concept into my expanding reality.
The end of April also saw the official relaunch of our podcast on the heels of making a big change to the structure of Syzygy Check Ins. Instead of the check ins being marketed as 45-minute sessions, we’ve changed them to one hour per session.
The check ins have been a live product for a few months, having launched at the end of October 2023. Over half a year of offering the product and we now have enough of a data set to make tweaks to the pricing and the timing of it. Given that the average time per check in over the course of the first seven months was one hour and six minutes plus about 30 minutes to prepare for every one, bumping up from 45 minutes and adjusting the price is a natural next step. All those with existing subscriptions to these check ins can continue renewing their subscriptions at the legacy price and anyone signing up for Syzygy Check Ins as of May 2024 signs up to the updated terms.
You know, I have to admit that as I recount the steps we’ve recently taken to share more with all of you, I can better appreciate why I’ve been feeling less excited to approach my desk. And this is where I’m going to take the opportunity to share a bit of what behind the scenes feels like for me these days.
My world is not what I would coin as exciting or fun or all that satisfying lately. Ever since April 2023, I’ve felt this change — both around me and within me — signalling that the steep climb to the next basecamp was upon me. I suppose it’s why I recently posted a voice message in the public channel about how important it is to keep swimming. It’s because I get it. And yes I realize that I’m mixing metaphors here, what with the slippery slopes of steep mountain climbs and the risks of drowning in open waters but to be honest, they both apply. Sometimes I feel both at once. Often, I feel the pressure of both at the same time. Every breath. Every blink. There’s that pressure of Creation imbuing my world.
It’s not glamorous forming something out of nothing. It’s not a cakewalk holding Space that represents the Unknown. Setting aside the energy expenditure of my role, there’s also the motivational component. What keeps me going? How do I identify what keeps others going so that they have the reminder when the challenge becomes a bit too real? I don’t actually have an answer and in fact, I question whether an answer would help. It’s just about getting the Work done. It really does come down to getting on with it.
Listen. I’m here. And this is not a race. It’s not a competition and it’s not a comparison game. It’s about taking every step with integrity and Knowing that there’s a Reason you wake up every day. There’s a Reason why you’re here now. That Reason can drown the best of us.
We’re here together. And as much as I cringe when people call us “The Community,” we are one. The Ground Team is real and it activates when we step into our Power and wield it together. And although I enjoy all of your company, it’s for the fortification of the Ground Team that I’m offering so many more opportunities to engage with me as this year unfolds.
Carpe the diem. Do it. Just do it. Dive in. I know I’ve said this before but it’s still apropos: there’s much to do. Let’s enjoy one another’s company as we Actualize the hell out of this life.
The Transcripts
S: “You have mentioned previously that there are different skill sets required to Be on one’s own. You spoke of this in reference to the process of the individualization of the individual. You also spoke of the skills related to Being in community. What are those skills?”
Issachar: “The skills that equip one to Be individualized include:
⊙ the reading of nuance,
⊙ the identification of Creation,
⊙ the facility to perpetuate the Creative process,
⊙ the capacity to withstand the pressures of the building of formation,
⊙ the intolerance of anything that would violate Creation and its formation in a physical expression,
⊙ the ceasing of habitual patterns through their identification and subsequent release.
“The skills that equip one to Be in community include:
⊙ the elimination of unwarranted banter,
⊙ relinquishing the amusement of decay,
⊙ the removal of interactions from one’s reality that delay the formation of the New,
⊙ the Ability to recognize when there is a synergy amongst Beings,
⊙ the discipline to remain in body from the Consciousness perspective,
⊙ maintaining Presence exclusively in the deep Now,
⊙ an acceptance and warmth towards one’s Abilities,
⊙ expansion,
⊙ Stillness translated,
⊙ focus on Stasis to facilitate motion,
⊙ the relinquishing of desire,
⊙ the relinquishing of appeasement,
⊙ the acceptance of change,
⊙ the appreciation of the worth of oneself and of the components of one’s reality,
⊙ the active utilization of the assets available to one.
“This latter point, in particular, is prevalently being disregarded by the human aspect, while the human aspect exists in scarcity as it seeks out more of its externalized illusion, thereby inverting appreciation into the denial of Self as it perceives a sheer inapplicability of Being Spirit expressed in form.”
~ Issachar
April 7, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month from
1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month from
6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.
Forming 5 · Seeding 8 · Securing 12
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
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Esoterics of life
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A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.