the act of positioning close together
ORIGIN: beside, near; closely connected; to join; yoke
What is your relationship with limitation?
reflect on your perception of it
on your feelings towards it
on your assumptions of it, and on its influence in your life
examine its definition
its origin
and your understanding of it
face it
If you’re not sure what “limitation” means and you are interested in exploring its more metaphysical meaning, you are welcome to explore the resources focused on limitation on this page to help get you started with this reflection.
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
A great deal, which is very much the point.
Welcome to the first Conversations with Spirit News Update.
Why juxtaposition?
Why start this New initiative with a focus on closeness?
Well, there are many reasons why.
As we move into a New way of life, focusing on the formation of 5 and on the seeding of 8 through our own experiences of them, Connection is essential for the larger population.
If you know me, you Know that I use words purposefully and precisely. “So…why did she refer to a ‘larger population’?”
Here’s the thing: the concept of Connection (the metaphysical Connection that is established when the Syzygy Architecture is in place and unencumbered), is not novel. It began with the first breath of life ever taken. What is New about it, is that it is converting into the Known now. It is unabashedly opening its esoteric cloak and baring itself before you in this life — in this massive, pivotal, whopper of a life. The invisible is now revealing.
In history, there have been few — very few — Connected Beings on the planet at any given time. Why? Because the parameters of the reality could not hold the energetic intensity emitted by Connected Beings holding the majority. A balloon can’t hold fire, nor a drinking glass a waterfall. The invisible Architecture of this world simply was not structured to hold more Light than that which could be emitted by a dispersed few.
Jesus is an example of a Connected Being; one of the few Connected Beings embodied during his time.
Jesus was not named “Jesus Christ.” “Christ” was not his surname. He was known as Jesus the Christ. Christ described his State. Jesus modelled the Christed State in which he embraced his Superhuman Abilities, while surrendering to the Will of G-D. Within the context of this world, the Christed State is only available to a human Being who is Connected, from body to Soul, Soul to Spirit.
The Christed State was largely unattainable for most all who lived in Jesus’ time. He agreed to seed the potential of Connection on Earth by modelling the Christed State. He seeded the potential for the option of Connection to return to humanity on mass scale.
Many civilizations ago, there were instances when the option of Connection was made available to humanity. Most of those instances resulted in a grand loss of that Connection. Small underground pockets of Connected Beings remained present, and oft times even mentioned in the historical accounts made public to the people, but never more than in small pockets and always sequestered in concealment.
In this life, in today’s life, your life, the option for many to reclaim their Connection has become available yet again.
The world can be a very different place now. Can, rather than is, for there are many who have chosen to remain in a reality where Connection is not yet available. To those who have chosen the New, Know that your option to reConnect has returned to you.
Reality can be such a vague construct, such an absurd pretence the mind uses to describe the nature of differences. I perceive the world differently from you, so does that mean we live in different realities? Not really. Not necessarily. It means that we have different experiences. Whether we’re in the same reality or not, all depends on what we’ve decided our next steps to be.
Juxtaposition — the act of positioning things close together — is a potent dynamic responsible for reorganizing life as we live it today. Those who have decided to stay where they began are organizing themselves so that they can live life close together. Those who have decided to enter a world yet to fully form are finding one another so that they, too, can position themselves close together to live life within a different set of circumstances. This reorganization of the world’s realities takes considerable linear time to complete. The dust has not yet settled. The brush has only minimally been cleared. It is all in the making.
It may seem odd that the term “yoke” is included in the origin of juxtaposition. Yoke has nothing to do with being woke. From a Quantum perspective, there is an Upper Yoke, and there is a Lower Yoke. These are pieces of Quantum Architecture; they compose parts of the invisible Architecture of life. The Upper Yoke Connects Soul to Spirit. The Lower Yoke Connects the Soul to the energetic field surrounding the physical body. When intact, the Yokes support body, Soul, and Spirit to position near one another, closely Connecting them for every Christed Being alive today.
When I Look at all that’s New, it seems too vast to enumerate, even in the most impressive of bound tomes. To share with you all that’s New is going to take a few conversations.
BEHIND the scenes
As we move more and more into the future of April 27, 2023 (the first day of Earth 5), the days fill with steps unexplored and nuances to discover about what it means to form a New planetary reality. For most of 2023, between May and December, the focus was intensely on rebuilding the business so that the Signature Energy Pattern of Remember Inc. infuses with the Signature Energy Pattern of Earth 5. This meant, and continues to mean, stripping down all of the architecture of our business in order to identify what moves into 5 and what is redefined.
Energetically speaking, rebuilding a business in 5 is initially a process of reading its existing Signature Energy Pattern, Looking at what it’s expressing, and why. In this process, the key was, and continues to be, to identify where there are existing threads of 4 that no longer benefit being in the expression of our business. This ultimately meant tearing down the architecture of the business so as to rebuilt it. At first, it genuinely was as brutal as it sounds, if for no other reason than simply because of the sheer magnitude of the undertaking, while still being responsible for revenue generation.
On a practical level, a great deal of focus was, and continues to be, on reviewing every component of the operations from legal terms and conditions to vetting service providers for alignment. That spans the gamut from evaluating web hosting service providers, invoicing services and e-commerce platforms (which are composed of more options than you’d think), software for multimedia content development and distribution, and social media platforms. All this to be able to enhance our capacity to form 5 in a bespoke fashion, customizing as much as we can, including our technology architecture. We started by changing our web host and email provider, and updating the way we backup our digital property. It has also meant, and continues to mean, redesigning the Conversations with Spirit website in 5.
Redesigning a website to shift it from 4 to 5 has been, and yes…continues to be…a mammoth endeavour. In addition to standard considerations like user interface, intuitive page navigation, consistency of branding, and equipping it all with e-commerce functionality, it also means taking a huge step back to reevaluate our website strategy as we grow. There are many services out there, both web-based and downloadable applications, that you can integrate into your site to add functionality to it. For example, there are tons of plugins that enable you to add event calendars to your site, or web-based platforms for automated scheduling that you can embed into your site to seemingly streamline your operations.
But, it turns out that the more precise you are with how you See your event listings on your site, the fewer off-the-shelf options exist for you. Ergo: a customised event listings page bespoke to our website with a very different look and feel, depending on whether you’re viewing it on your computer or mobile device. And when it comes to scheduling software, it sounds really lovely (especially considering the amount of scheduling we do) but it also requires you to base your availability on assumption.
Here’s what I mean by that: the more involved your Work is in the Quantum, the more you recognize that distributing your energy across the physical and the subtle is an extremely nuanced endeavour that requires tremendous awareness, Presence in every moment, the capacity to read Energetic Math to determine the cause and effect of decisions, and an appreciation for the continually changing landscapes, both here and in worlds beyond this one. Scheduling softwares want to know how you plan your weeks ahead. What is it that they say about planning? G-D laughs. He laughs for a reason. That reason is based on the human State of mind. Planning is a mind-based activity. Operating a business in 5…isn’t.
When it comes to upleveling our digital footprint, I will say that SEO optimization is irrelevant. Consider that if you write copy for a page on your site so that it is SEO optimized, you are writing to algorithms. We write to those who are, and to those who have the capacity to Be, Sovereign. If, on the other hand, your business caters to 4 and 6, SEO optimization may well be a consideration for you. It’s all about purposeful precision.
The topic of responsive design is a rabbit hole we don’t have to jump down any more than we already have. (For those who are unfamiliar with the term, responsive design refers to the aspect of web design and development that aims to ensure that your design maintains its integrity regardless of the size of screen your audience is viewing it on.) Needless to say, where you see one page, I’ve often designed and developed two.
Side note: this is the third time I am redoing the site and revising our Service offerings given how drastically changing the landscape has been over the course of the latest 6 years.
So, for a rundown on what’s been taking place behind the scenes:
We updated our Terms. Solid pat on the back. We did it!
We redesigned our branding.
We streamlined our offerings, which meant removing a number of opportunities that no longer align with the landscape.
We rewrote and redesigned the Intensives page and the way you can book sessions with us through the website.
We rewrote and redesigned the Syzygy page, the application process, and launched the New Syzygy Check Ins.
We rewrote and redesigned the Quantum Dojo page.
We added the Event Listings page to the site, and opened up a new public group on Telegram related to all things events. (We continue to send out touchpoints in our public Conversations with Spirit Telegram Channel as well.)
The Newest event offering is an early morning event (4am early, to be precise). The Morning Readings feature The Transcripts: transcriptions of private meditations that Susan and I have been doing since 2021. There are over 500 pages of transcriptions to date, with approximately 100 hours of recordings to finish transcribing as we continue holding these private meditations throughout 2024.
The contents anchored during these meditations focus on the:
– evolutionary trajectory of Gaia in all her Earthly versions
– baseline Signatures of the planetary versions and details on their corresponding Weaves
– trajectories of possibility available to Gaia’s inhabitants, depending on the versions of Earth they decide to inhabit
– metaphysical processes of forming 5 and their practical applications
– planetary Laws of 5
· Universal Laws deal with the functions of a Universe
· physical laws address the navigation of form
· planetary Laws outline how to navigate the respective reality of a given planetary expression without incurring energetic debt through their violation
– role of Twin Rays in the seeding of 8 and the subsequent establishment of 12
– nature of energetic debt and how it impacts one’s ability to be ahead of time
The Morning Readings are a very special opportunity available about once a month throughout 2024.
And of course, these News updates. They’re the latest addition to the site and one that opens up the opportunity for me to cultivate a more intimate conversation with you, as I share details of my own navigation of 5.
Deepali also joined the Remember Inc. Team to provide a helping hand. She’s currently focused on portal updates, so whenever you get a notice that you have new content in your private portals, she makes it happen!
Moving into February, our focus is on expanding our Presence on Telegram as we build out New offerings.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? And why am I going to continue sharing what it’s like behind the scenes of shifting a business from 4 to 5? Because it can Serve as Guideposts and mile markers for you. It’s a way for me to make some of the invisible, visible to you, so that you can vicariously accelerate your Actualization.
The Transcripts
“It is important to recognize that the forced reincarnation agendas are all intertwined and connected with one another. One moves into the other. It is an orchestration, a tapestry woven into a journey of the abdication of one’s freedom. The further an individual gets on this journey of the abdication of freedom, the more difficult it is for them to get off of it. ‘Time is of the essence’ is an important tenet to take to heart because the more you can help them become aware of these devastation protocols — that is what they are called — the more likely the individuals will get out of them before it becomes so challenging that they have very little chance of freeing themselves. These reincarnation agendas are a pathway to very definitive extinction or expiry.
“Those Working with the phenomenon of expiry, they are Working on addressing those Beings at the final stage of their capacity to withstand forced reincarnation. There is a prevalent assumption that eventually, the forced cycles will end and Sovereignty will be reacquired because many are conditioned to believe in such a thing as a happy ending. This conditioned belief perpetuates a falsehood. Many of the individuals who are crossing your path in this life are those who are here to Remember how they are involved in the retraction of forced reincarnation agendas imposed upon the species.”
~ The Paladins
August 13, 2022
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month
from 1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month
from 6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.

the act of positioning close together
ORIGIN: beside, near; closely connected; to join; yoke
What is your relationship with limitation?
reflect on your perception of it
on your feelings towards it
on your assumptions of it, and on its influence in your life
examine its definition
its origin
and your understanding of it
face it
If you’re not sure what “limitation” means and you are interested in exploring its more metaphysical meaning, you are welcome to explore the resources focused on limitation on this page to help get you started with this reflection.
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
A great deal, which is very much the point.
Welcome to the first Conversations with Spirit News Update.
Why juxtaposition?
Why start this New initiative with a focus on closeness?
Well, there are many reasons why.
As we move into a New way of life, focusing on the formation of 5 and on the seeding of 8 through our own experiences of them, Connection is essential for the larger population.
If you know me, you Know that I use words purposefully and precisely. “So…why did she refer to a ‘larger population’?”
Here’s the thing: the concept of Connection (the metaphysical Connection that is established when the Syzygy Architecture is in place and unencumbered), is not novel. It began with the first breath of life ever taken. What is New about it, is that it is converting into the Known now. It is unabashedly opening its esoteric cloak and baring itself before you in this life — in this massive, pivotal, whopper of a life. The invisible is now revealing.
In history, there have been few — very few — Connected Beings on the planet at any given time. Why? Because the parameters of the reality could not hold the energetic intensity emitted by Connected Beings holding the majority. A balloon can’t hold fire, nor a drinking glass a waterfall. The invisible Architecture of this world simply was not structured to hold more Light than that which could be emitted by a dispersed few.
Jesus is an example of a Connected Being; one of the few Connected Beings embodied during his time.
Jesus was not named “Jesus Christ.” “Christ” was not his surname. He was known as Jesus the Christ. Christ described his State. Jesus modelled the Christed State in which he embraced his Superhuman Abilities, while surrendering to the Will of G-D. Within the context of this world, the Christed State is only available to a human Being who is Connected, from body to Soul, Soul to Spirit.
The Christed State was largely unattainable for most all who lived in Jesus’ time. He agreed to seed the potential of Connection on Earth by modelling the Christed State. He seeded the potential for the option of Connection to return to humanity on mass scale.
Many civilizations ago, there were instances when the option of Connection was made available to humanity. Most of those instances resulted in a grand loss of that Connection. Small underground pockets of Connected Beings remained present, and oft times even mentioned in the historical accounts made public to the people, but never more than in small pockets and always sequestered in concealment.
In this life, in today’s life, your life, the option for many to reclaim their Connection has become available yet again.
The world can be a very different place now. Can, rather than is, for there are many who have chosen to remain in a reality where Connection is not yet available. To those who have chosen the New, Know that your option to reConnect has returned to you.
Reality can be such a vague construct, such an absurd pretence the mind uses to describe the nature of differences. I perceive the world differently from you, so does that mean we live in different realities? Not really. Not necessarily. It means that we have different experiences. Whether we’re in the same reality or not, all depends on what we’ve decided our next steps to be.
Juxtaposition — the act of positioning things close together — is a potent dynamic responsible for reorganizing life as we live it today. Those who have decided to stay where they began are organizing themselves so that they can live life close together. Those who have decided to enter a world yet to fully form are finding one another so that they, too, can position themselves close together to live life within a different set of circumstances. This reorganization of the world’s realities takes considerable linear time to complete. The dust has not yet settled. The brush has only minimally been cleared. It is all in the making.
It may seem odd that the term “yoke” is included in the origin of juxtaposition. Yoke has nothing to do with being woke. From a Quantum perspective, there is an Upper Yoke, and there is a Lower Yoke. These are pieces of Quantum Architecture; they compose parts of the invisible Architecture of life. The Upper Yoke Connects Soul to Spirit. The Lower Yoke Connects the Soul to the energetic field surrounding the physical body. When intact, the Yokes support body, Soul, and Spirit to position near one another, closely Connecting them for every Christed Being alive today.
When I Look at all that’s New, it seems too vast to enumerate, even in the most impressive of bound tomes. To share with you all that’s New is going to take a few conversations.
BEHIND the scenes
As we move more and more into the future of April 27, 2023 (the first day of Earth 5), the days fill with steps unexplored and nuances to discover about what it means to form a New planetary reality. For most of 2023, between May and December, the focus was intensely on rebuilding the business so that the Signature Energy Pattern of Remember Inc. infuses with the Signature Energy Pattern of Earth 5. This meant, and continues to mean, stripping down all of the architecture of our business in order to identify what moves into 5 and what is redefined.
Energetically speaking, rebuilding a business in 5 is initially a process of reading its existing Signature Energy Pattern, Looking at what it’s expressing, and why. In this process, the key was, and continues to be, to identify where there are existing threads of 4 that no longer benefit being in the expression of our business. This ultimately meant tearing down the architecture of the business so as to rebuilt it. At first, it genuinely was as brutal as it sounds, if for no other reason than simply because of the sheer magnitude of the undertaking, while still being responsible for revenue generation.
On a practical level, a great deal of focus was, and continues to be, on reviewing every component of the operations from legal terms and conditions to vetting service providers for alignment. That spans the gamut from evaluating web hosting service providers, invoicing services and e-commerce platforms (which are composed of more options than you’d think), software for multimedia content development and distribution, and social media platforms. All this to be able to enhance our capacity to form 5 in a bespoke fashion, customizing as much as we can, including our technology architecture. We started by changing our web host and email provider, and updating the way we backup our digital property. It has also meant, and continues to mean, redesigning the Conversations with Spirit website in 5.
Redesigning a website to shift it from 4 to 5 has been, and yes…continues to be…a mammoth endeavour. In addition to standard considerations like user interface, intuitive page navigation, consistency of branding, and equipping it all with e-commerce functionality, it also means taking a huge step back to reevaluate our website strategy as we grow. There are many services out there, both web-based and downloadable applications, that you can integrate into your site to add functionality to it. For example, there are tons of plugins that enable you to add event calendars to your site, or web-based platforms for automated scheduling that you can embed into your site to seemingly streamline your operations.
But, it turns out that the more precise you are with how you See your event listings on your site, the fewer off-the-shelf options exist for you. Ergo: a customised event listings page bespoke to our website with a very different look and feel, depending on whether you’re viewing it on your computer or mobile device. And when it comes to scheduling software, it sounds really lovely (especially considering the amount of scheduling we do) but it also requires you to base your availability on assumption.
Here’s what I mean by that: the more involved your Work is in the Quantum, the more you recognize that distributing your energy across the physical and the subtle is an extremely nuanced endeavour that requires tremendous awareness, Presence in every moment, the capacity to read Energetic Math to determine the cause and effect of decisions, and an appreciation for the continually changing landscapes, both here and in worlds beyond this one. Scheduling softwares want to know how you plan your weeks ahead. What is it that they say about planning? G-D laughs. He laughs for a reason. That reason is based on the human State of mind. Planning is a mind-based activity. Operating a business in 5…isn’t.
When it comes to upleveling our digital footprint, I will say that SEO optimization is irrelevant. Consider that if you write copy for a page on your site so that it is SEO optimized, you are writing to algorithms. We write to those who are, and to those who have the capacity to Be, Sovereign. If, on the other hand, your business caters to 4 and 6, SEO optimization may well be a consideration for you. It’s all about purposeful precision.
The topic of responsive design is a rabbit hole we don’t have to jump down any more than we already have. (For those who are unfamiliar with the term, responsive design refers to the aspect of web design and development that aims to ensure that your design maintains its integrity regardless of the size of screen your audience is viewing it on.) Needless to say, where you see one page, I’ve often designed and developed two.
Side note: this is the third time I am redoing the site and revising our Service offerings given how drastically changing the landscape has been over the course of the latest 6 years.
So, for a rundown on what’s been taking place behind the scenes:
We updated our Terms. Solid pat on the back. We did it!
We redesigned our branding.
We streamlined our offerings, which meant removing a number of opportunities that no longer align with the landscape.
We rewrote and redesigned the Intensives page and the way you can book sessions with us through the website.
We rewrote and redesigned the Syzygy page, the application process, and launched the New Syzygy Check Ins.
We rewrote and redesigned the Quantum Dojo page.
We added the Event Listings page to the site, and opened up a new public group on Telegram related to all things events. (We continue to send out touchpoints in our public Conversations with Spirit Telegram Channel as well.)
The Newest event offering is an early morning event (4am early, to be precise). The Morning Readings feature The Transcripts: transcriptions of private meditations that Susan and I have been doing since 2021. There are over 500 pages of transcriptions to date, with approximately 100 hours of recordings to finish transcribing as we continue holding these private meditations throughout 2024.
The contents anchored during these meditations focus on the:
– evolutionary trajectory of Gaia in all her Earthly versions
– baseline Signatures of the planetary versions and details on their corresponding Weaves
– trajectories of possibility available to Gaia’s inhabitants, depending on the versions of Earth they decide to inhabit
– metaphysical processes of forming 5 and their practical applications
– planetary Laws of 5
· Universal Laws deal with the functions of a Universe
· physical laws address the navigation of form
· planetary Laws outline how to navigate the respective reality of a given planetary expression without incurring energetic debt through their violation
– role of Twin Rays in the seeding of 8 and the subsequent establishment of 12
– nature of energetic debt and how it impacts one’s ability to be ahead of time
The Morning Readings are a very special opportunity available about once a month throughout 2024.
And of course, these News updates. They’re the latest addition to the site and one that opens up the opportunity for me to cultivate a more intimate conversation with you, as I share details of my own navigation of 5.
Deepali also joined the Remember Inc. Team to provide a helping hand. She’s currently focused on portal updates, so whenever you get a notice that you have new content in your private portals, she makes it happen!
Moving into February, our focus is on expanding our Presence on Telegram as we build out New offerings.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? And why am I going to continue sharing what it’s like behind the scenes of shifting a business from 4 to 5? Because it can Serve as Guideposts and mile markers for you. It’s a way for me to make some of the invisible, visible to you, so that you can vicariously accelerate your Actualization.
The Transcripts
“It is important to recognize that the forced reincarnation agendas are all intertwined and connected with one another. One moves into the other. It is an orchestration, a tapestry woven into a journey of the abdication of one’s freedom. The further an individual gets on this journey of the abdication of freedom, the more difficult it is for them to get off of it. ‘Time is of the essence’ is an important tenet to take to heart because the more you can help them become aware of these devastation protocols — that is what they are called — the more likely the individuals will get out of them before it becomes so challenging that they have very little chance of freeing themselves. These reincarnation agendas are a pathway to very definitive extinction or expiry.
“Those Working with the phenomenon of expiry, they are Working on addressing those Beings at the final stage of their capacity to withstand forced reincarnation. There is a prevalent assumption that eventually, the forced cycles will end and Sovereignty will be reacquired because many are conditioned to believe in such a thing as a happy ending. This conditioned belief perpetuates a falsehood. Many of the individuals who are crossing your path in this life are those who are here to Remember how they are involved in the retraction of forced reincarnation agendas imposed upon the species.”
~ The Paladins
August 13, 2022
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month from
1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month from
6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.
Forming 5 · Seeding 8 · Securing 12
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.