an effortful attempt to attain a goal; a mental or physical effort to attain an end; a perfective urge or endeavor; an impulse towards or a striving after; the muscular contractions used to expel waste, eggs, or a fetus from the body
syn: pains, strains, struggle
ORIGIN: pressure, exertion, planting one’s feet firmly, strong muscular effort
What are you resisting?
you can’t answer it if you don’t feel it, so find it in yourself first
what does your resistance oppose?
what is it giving you to fight yourself?
what are you scared of?
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
Striving to achieve is so deeply ingrained in us. It starts from a very early fetal age. It starts even before we are born. At the onset of the formation of the potential of human life, the mother exerts physical effort as she houses great intentions for the future contribution to mankind growing inside of her. All the while, she transforms into a role she has yet to recognize will eventually be the death of the character she has played of woman as child.
When we enter the world, we are prompted and prodded to “do our best,” and to “be our best” as we put in as much effort as is humanly possible to rise above the rest. We’re told we have to be strong. We’re fed the belief, through music and culture, that where there is no pain, there is no gain. Put in the effort, and you’ll get the reward.
Any of this sound familiar?
If it doesn’t, then you haven’t been paying attention to the rhetoric of the old.
The question is, is life Designed to be hard? Is it meant to be filled with pains and strains and struggles?
The answer is in the “why.”
Not in the, “How can we change to be stronger?” and not in the, “What can we do to put in more effort?”
The answer is in the “why.”
Why did humanity fall for it? Why did we get so susceptible to being conditioned to believe that effortful attempts and moving outward to strive to achieve a better version of a self not yet met is the way to progress?
The reason lies in the fall.
Humanity has fallen. It has fallen many times. Not fallen to its knees in surrender. These falls were falls from grace, tumbles into the depths of illusion. No one did it to humanity. Humanity did it to itself.
Again, why?
In the case of any species on an experiential plane, embodied to acquire experience in the name of evolution, the answer to any fall is always found in the reason for the resistance to move forward. And that resistance is based on the decision that they weren’t done. They weren’t done having the experiences that are only available prior to a shift, right before a rise. Humanity wasn’t done with the human experience. Even at the heights of Superhuman embodiment, they weren’t done with the human experience. The full and complete relinquishing of the human experience was not worth enough yet. The full Actualization of the Superhuman embodiment was not valuable enough yet. There was more to be had in the human experience.
They weren’t done yet.
And so, they fell.
Again. And over again, so as to give themselves more runway to continue experiencing the strife and the pain of violating their Divinity, for it is only in the violation of Divinity that one can fall.
There’s something about transcendence that triggers such a recoil, such a violent kickback. Resistance becomes the only character on the stage when the individual reaches a point of facing themselves and realizes that in order to accept what they encountered, they would have to redefine life to such a degree that it, and they, could quickly become unrecognizable. And without having life figured out, what would we have? What would we be able to grip on to, hold in desperation as the natural changing tides of evolution take their prominent place in existence?
It’s so easy to resist change. It’s so easy to dig our heals into a ground rotting with stagnation, if only so that we can say that we are in control. It is so easy to allow the guise of security in the familiar to cloud our perception of all that is available to us. If only we had the courage to approach life through an open heart.
What would happen if we opened our hearts after all this time? We would have to face the fall upon fall of civilizations, all in the name of taking a little more of the experience and immersing all the deeper in the contortions of refraction that only come about on account of the resistance.
The heart would have to open to the pain it has so loyally retained for our eventual review. It would have to release the sorrow of experiences unhad, as decisions made to repeat the tried and true become decisions made for us.
Nisus is not a word used in daily life. However, the term represents a dominant undercurrent influencing humanity to veer away from facing itself and as such, it is essential to breathe life back into this concept once again; particularly now, as we confront the prospect of leaving the old for a New yet unexplored.
The New is a premise, in itself, that is the precursor to another fall. To fall does not have to mean to devolve; it can mean to fall away. The New promises nothing but the unfamiliar, nothing but change and upheaval as the old falls away and leaves you naked and worn, the body begging you to remember to breathe as you look around in search of something you can identify as the remains of what you once were.
To try is to decide not to do. We know this. Yoda helped us with this. And yet, there is an evolution to this resistance mechanism of trying and the evolution is a testament to the attachment to the concept itself. What starts off as trying eventually becomes endeavouring to make the effort to do our best, to strive to be our best. But have you ever Looked at what being and doing your best means? It doesn’t mean going beyond what you know. It doesn’t mean that at all. The best resides on the inner rim of the periphery that delineates your known from your unknown.

The best, your best, exists in your familiar.

Your best is a measure of your achievements as defined by how close they came to representing something you haven’t yet experienced. The pushing of boundaries is the journey to redefine that periphery that delineates your known from your unknown. Boundaries are not safety, they are the mathematical architecture of resistance.
The human says, “This is the line that represents where I stop for now.” It is precisely this line that the human says it will not cross that represents the opportunity for evolution. If that line is unappealing, if that line is too much to cross, then that only means one thing: the human wasn’t done with the experience of the familiar. They weren’t done quite yet, and so they stay in the looping of experience had until they trip over those loops and fall.
To stop to fall, is simple. To stop to fall, face yourself. The moment you Look at yourself, and the moment you are willing to accept the existence of all of you — the warts and the folds and the loss of vitality and even the regrets tattooed into your Signature — is the moment you become bigger than the sum of your experiences.
Yes, there is a saying that we are the sum of our experiences. This saying highlights the importance humanity places on celebrating their known. It is a way to acknowledge the journey up until now. It is a way to keep the familiar as part of the conversation. It is a way to try to make the past relevant today. And ultimately, it is a way to justify the need for the resistance, for resistance is the way to ensure that the sum of our experiences remains unchanged.
Why is it so important for that sum of what we’ve experienced to stay the same?
Because that way, we can keep change at bay.
The eternal nisus toward self-fulfillment can be encompassed in a single, simple, sleek and sultry word; that word is “try.” As long as humanity continues to try, it will continue falling. But humanity is not but one entity, not one singular voice. There are many who compose the populous, and some have come to stop the trying. Those who are here to form another avenue, one of growth into progression that eventually leads to what the books and the scriptures proclaim as the salvation, are those who have come here to Contribute to an evolution far beyond their own. It is these individuals who are asked to fulfill their Sacred Contracts — a very particular type of Contract established at Life Design with a Collective-centric focus on, in this case, the evolution of humanity.
One’s Sacred Contract is not meant to be the epicentre of the nisus of one’s life: that object toward which to strive with great effort and pains. It’s not Designed to be your greatest struggle. It’s Designed to be your greatest opportunity in life to effortlessly expression yourself, an expression untainted by conditioning and not reliant upon the seeking of anything that resembles verification of your worth. Through the Actualization of your Sacred Contract, you Contribute to the formation of the New.
The birthing of form is represented in the part of the definition of nisus referring to the muscular contractions used to expel waste, eggs, or a fetus from the body. The body, our physical bodies, are a form of Creation. It is the terms and conditions associated with having a physical human body that enables the human to create/Create. The body is wired to put things into form. One of the very first things we create as infants is the thought form. The more we think of the thought, the more we form it. I bring this up to point to a fact that evades many: when we think, we are in the act of creation.
Notice that the term “act” is not capitalized in that previous statement; that means it’s done in unawareness. The term “creation” is also not capitalized; that means it’s been created before. So, unless we are aware of the moment of thinking, we are investing energy into reproducing loops.
The Latin phrase nisus formativus builds upon the concept of nisus. Science applies this to the formative effort and tendency for nature to multiply. This is where the phrase can be applied to the example of the periodic urge of birds to procreate in the spring. It can also be applied to the woman’s monthly cycle containing the period of ovulation that has the potency to stimulate intense desire to procreate. Art understands it as the urge to create through the transformation of the self (imagine the phoenix burning up in ashes, the ashes the bed of its slumber, the genesis of rebirth the fuel for the Creation of that which has yet to be expressed in form).
The Latin origin of nisus formativus is found in the temporary decoupling of the words: (nisus: pressure) + (formativus: formative). This is where we enter into a discourse about the stages of creation/Creation. And here, creation/Creation is both written in lower- and uppercase because regardless of whether it is a formation of something out of experience or out of nothing, it is still the process of formation, nonetheless. And yes, there are distinctions in the metaphysics of forming something out of experience versus out of nothing. However, allow us to focus this exchange on the process of creation/Creation itself.
The nisus formativus of creation/Creation is composed of two building blocks: pressure and formation. The initial stage of creation/Creation is a near indescribably intense pressurized State of anchoring the substance of potential into the physicalized vessel of the individual responsible for the creation/Creation. The physical body becomes the chalice of enlightenment for the individual if the creation is based on previous experience; it becomes the chalice of enlightenment for the world if the Creation is birthed out of nothingness.
Nisus, as a perfective urge or endeavour, speaks to the completion of whatever urge or endeavour is taken. Completed Action. Closed loop. Can creation/Creation be so neat and tidy? Once formation takes place, does G-D go on vacation? I’m not really buying it. I mean, how many times have I brought something into form only to refine and adjust the alignment of its expression so as to ensure it is of Reason in the landscape to which it Contributes? How many breaths taken in awareness to allow for more expansion so that a more articulate expression of my formation anchors into the world? More times than need counting; I leave it at that.
Note the refractions the definition of nisus experiences since its origin. From representing the pressurized catalyst for the alchemy of Creation, it’s been reduced to representing the notion of trying to attain a goal. Isn’t it fascinating how the fall of civilizations leads to a conformity in the language in order to support the changing times? It’s one of the most exquisite examples of the transformative powers of decision.
BEHIND the scenes
The primary focus of February was to research, source, and incorporate a new audio streaming technology onto the website. Although the frontend of the site is not infused with much audio content yet, the many private portals we have created and actively maintain for clients house tens to hundreds of hours of private audio content. In order to elevate the navigation and listening experiences for users, upgrading this aspect of the site is key. From a practical perspective, it has meant facing a somewhat uncomfortable learning curve, particularly as it relates to familiarizing myself with new short code syntax and process flow, but it’s been manageable enough. Our IT department continues to be an invaluable resource.
The new audio streaming technology we have selected is changing the way we redesign private portals. It is also, in great part, a key piece in our evolving podcasting strategy. The updating of all active portals is due to take place down the line and rollout of our podcast episodes is most certainly an iterative process. That being said, establishing a solid upgraded technology infrastructure to support our upcoming multipronged audio strategy is all part of the Divine Sequencing at this stage in our formation of 5.
Communication with the public via Telegram and email also ramped up a notch this month. As you many have noticed, February marked the start of the release of our visual quote series. The most shared post in February was actually the visual quote on seeking. Keep an eye out for more of these quotes sprinkling into the public Telegram channel as the year unfolds. Share them as you feel inspired to drown out some of the noise in virtuality.
Email newsletter dynamics can be fascinating and proved an area of examination for me as we restarted our communication through this means in February. Since we haven’t shared much through email newsletters in many months, this month has been one of witnessing our subscriber list update itself. Some people with whom I had a degree of affinity prior to 2020 have chosen to discontinue their engagement with me and have unsubscribed from our communications as of this month, while many new names have joined the list. Because you may also find this to be the case as a result of the changing nature of your professional communications, I am choosing to touch upon this phenomenon here and now.
Prior to 2020, we were all living in the only physicalized collective reality that was available, that of the Earth 4 reality. There was much more common ground to walk, albeit based on commonality forced upon us given that we had no other options until the nearing of April 27, 2023, the date marking the first fully formed day of Earth 5 available for us to experience. Since just before 2020 came and went, we were all navigating a space/Space where there was at least something that would bring us together, at least one point of interest or perspective we shared with others. Once Earth 4 and Earth 5 completed the process of repudiation, in which the two expressions of Gaia fully separated, the common ground dropped out from under us.
Yes, you can fake it. And yes, you can compromise. But that doesn’t change the fact that if you are Contracted to live in 5, 4 will not have the same resonance for you as it used to. Someone in 5 trying to find affinity with someone firmly fixed in 4 is the definition of the current day nisus of interplanetary relationships. This reminds me of that scene in Star Wars where there were dozens of different alien species sitting at a bar together; you can have a drink and share an interaction with someone from another planet, but building a future together becomes a much more complex and nuanced process.
To begin with, how is “future” defined if you stand on different ground? How is it defined if you’re pointing in different directions? What language do you use to communicate with one another when fundamental concepts mean different things, depending on which reality represents your primary residence? What was once funny may not be funny anymore. Do you fake a laugh? If so, for how long?
Case in point: how many people in 4 are participating in group discussions around the topic of Connection? What is there to be said to someone in 4 advocating for homogenization when your priorities revolve around the individualization of one’s unique activated aspects of Mastery, available to you in order for you to Serve far beyond your own benefit? Conversations in your world either become extremely mundane or you find your people. I don’t take it personally when I’m not somebody’s “people.” From an energetic perspective, it’s much more beneficial for someone who isn’t meant to continue crossing my path to unsubscribe from my virtual Presence than it is for them to stay latched on in misalignment.
Time has to dissolve for an interplanetary solution of common interest to become available and yet, how many people do you know who can dissolve time? And common ground is important, especially when there is no path until you start taking steps. Consider all of this as you devise and revise your communications strategies in 5.
During the first week of February, we highlighted the topic of “limitation” in the collective conversation on Telegram. We also tested the live stream feature in Telegram by hosting two live streams. On February 11th, we showcased the topic of counter’s role in field Work and on February 17th, we had a group discussion about what it’s like doing Syzygy Check Ins.
At the cusp of announcing the first of these two live streams, some members of the channel muted it. Does this tell us that our audience isn’t interested in live events? Perhaps. The sampling is admittedly too small to make any definitive conclusions. However, the live streams have shifted lower down on the list of priorities for now as a result. We are maintaining our focus all the more on continued product development and on our personal recalibrations into the physicalization of 5.
During February’s Syzygy Check In Touchpoint Call, we beamed light onto the challenges that people face in maintaining their Connections. Seeing violations in your Connection when you had no idea there were any in the first place, came up as a challenge for some. Shame in getting disConnected or in allowing the Soul to incur damage was another discomfort courageously brought up during the conversation, as well as hitting overwhelm as the consistency of the practice of having monthly check ins started to stimulate trigger points of resistance. A resounding acknowledgement of the importance to own up to your accountability to yourself, to follow through on your homework, and to come from T.R.U.S.T. were all key takeaways from this fruitful discussion.
All of this has been an encapsulation of the overt experience of February, but there have been some major events that also took place far behind the scenes. Without going into the finer details, Know that there are two major dates to highlight in February: the second and the third.
On February 2, 2024, between 8:15AM and 9:10AM Toronto time, Earth 8 was officially seeded into the Earth 5 reality. Primary forces dedicated to the elimination of Twin Rays on Earth were removed from the equation. The key outcome of this catalytic event, that was of significantly high stakes to culminate into reality, is the ease now afforded to Rays to walk their journey in the name of ensuring the Presence of Earth 8 on Gaia’s trajectory. The only thing stopping Rays now, is Rays themselves.
On February 3, 2024, between 4:30AM and 6:30AM Toronto time, the overarching Consortium of counterforces opposing the existing of sovereignty and the expression of Divinity on Earth were symbolically buried, returned to Gaia Herself. Without this Consortium, and all of the branches of Collectives that strung from its helm, interfering in life on Earth, humanity is alleviated of significant external suppression.
Both of these days signify possibility returned to humanity.
The Transcripts
Issachar: “The more you Weave realities that are based on the threads of 4, the less you will have access to 5, the less you will have access to any experience of 5, and the more the idea of the repudiation of two realities will become a distant thought.
“It is in the inertia that one becomes lost in the comforts of what they thought was finished.”
? “What is the significance of motion and undulating?”
Issachar: “Motion is the antithesis of stagnation and stagnation is a very prevalent condition at the moment. Many feel beneath the waterline, and that is where they exist. The struggle of finding their way above the waterline will become too difficult.
“The undulation is the waves of discordance, the misalignments, the predisposition to resisting a State change.”
? “What should we be attuned to?”
Issachar: “Disassociation from reality, which is one of the preliminary steps to being able to be immune to the chaos, interference, and infiltration of 4.”
? “So disassociation from the illusory reality?”
Issachar: “All realities are illusions. Disassociation refers to the disassociation from the desires one has of what life could have, should have been, in 4. These are not components one can take into any version of 5.”
? “When you say ‘versions of 5,’ there is more than one?”
Issachar: “The main distinction is in the individual version of one’s reality in 5 and that of the collective reality they share. One’s individual version of 5 is primarily defined by the Earthly Weave from which the individual navigates their reality.
“The main distinction between navigating one’s own individuality in 4 and in 5 is the degree of perceived isolation one is exposed to. The individual experience of navigating this New world is one predominantly infused with isolation. That dynamic changes when the individual enters into Creative Alliances to form 5. It requires different skill sets to Be on one’s own and to Be in these communities.
“This is a significant distinction between 4 and 5 realities. This is on account of the significant and mandatory requirements for the individual to take responsibility and initiative for one’s own Contribution.
“The phenomenon of Contribution also presents a significant distinction between the 4 and 5 realities. The communal nature of the Contribution to the conclusion of 4 was accepted and continues to perpetuate itself in the rebuilding of the old.
“In 5, there is a level of independence and autonomy in taking care of, and in addressing, that which presents for one’s own individual self that cannot be supported by a communal experience and if the individual, on their own, cannot face what is being presented to them to confront on their own, they will have a dissipated engagement and lack of voice in 5.”
? “So the Contribution of the individual counts much more to the collective?”
Issachar: “In the sense that the individual cannot Contribute to the community if they do not first address their own self. This was not the case in 4. One could either ride coattails or simply vicariously progress. No longer is that the case. Individualized progress and autonomous independence is mandatory in 5.”
~ Issachar
March 27, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month
from 1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month
from 6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.

an effortful attempt to attain a goal; a mental or physical effort to attain an end; a perfective urge or endeavor; an impulse towards or a striving after; the muscular contractions used to expel waste, eggs, or a fetus from the body
syn: pains, strains, struggle
ORIGIN: pressure, exertion, planting one’s feet firmly, strong muscular effort
What are you resisting?
you can’t answer it if you don’t feel it, so find it in yourself first
what does your resistance oppose?
what is it giving you to fight yourself?
what are you scared of?
Consider posting your reflections here on what surfaces for you.
What’s New?
Striving to achieve is so deeply ingrained in us. It starts from a very early fetal age. It starts even before we are born. At the onset of the formation of the potential of human life, the mother exerts physical effort as she houses great intentions for the future contribution to mankind growing inside of her. All the while, she transforms into a role she has yet to recognize will eventually be the death of the character she has played of woman as child.
When we enter the world, we are prompted and prodded to “do our best,” and to “be our best” as we put in as much effort as is humanly possible to rise above the rest. We’re told we have to be strong. We’re fed the belief, through music and culture, that where there is no pain, there is no gain. Put in the effort, and you’ll get the reward.
Any of this sound familiar?
If it doesn’t, then you haven’t been paying attention to the rhetoric of the old.
The question is, is life Designed to be hard? Is it meant to be filled with pains and strains and struggles?
The answer is in the “why.”
Not in the, “How can we change to be stronger?” and not in the, “What can we do to put in more effort?”
The answer is in the “why.”
Why did humanity fall for it? Why did we get so susceptible to being conditioned to believe that effortful attempts and moving outward to strive to achieve a better version of a self not yet met is the way to progress?
The reason lies in the fall.
Humanity has fallen. It has fallen many times. Not fallen to its knees in surrender. These falls were falls from grace, tumbles into the depths of illusion. No one did it to humanity. Humanity did it to itself.
Again, why?
In the case of any species on an experiential plane, embodied to acquire experience in the name of evolution, the answer to any fall is always found in the reason for the resistance to move forward. And that resistance is based on the decision that they weren’t done. They weren’t done having the experiences that are only available prior to a shift, right before a rise. Humanity wasn’t done with the human experience. Even at the heights of Superhuman embodiment, they weren’t done with the human experience. The full and complete relinquishing of the human experience was not worth enough yet. The full Actualization of the Superhuman embodiment was not valuable enough yet. There was more to be had in the human experience.
They weren’t done yet.
And so, they fell.
Again. And over again, so as to give themselves more runway to continue experiencing the strife and the pain of violating their Divinity, for it is only in the violation of Divinity that one can fall.
There’s something about transcendence that triggers such a recoil, such a violent kickback. Resistance becomes the only character on the stage when the individual reaches a point of facing themselves and realizes that in order to accept what they encountered, they would have to redefine life to such a degree that it, and they, could quickly become unrecognizable. And without having life figured out, what would we have? What would we be able to grip on to, hold in desperation as the natural changing tides of evolution take their prominent place in existence?
It’s so easy to resist change. It’s so easy to dig our heals into a ground rotting with stagnation, if only so that we can say that we are in control. It is so easy to allow the guise of security in the familiar to cloud our perception of all that is available to us. If only we had the courage to approach life through an open heart.
What would happen if we opened our hearts after all this time? We would have to face the fall upon fall of civilizations, all in the name of taking a little more of the experience and immersing all the deeper in the contortions of refraction that only come about on account of the resistance.
The heart would have to open to the pain it has so loyally retained for our eventual review. It would have to release the sorrow of experiences unhad, as decisions made to repeat the tried and true become decisions made for us.
Nisus is not a word used in daily life. However, the term represents a dominant undercurrent influencing humanity to veer away from facing itself and as such, it is essential to breathe life back into this concept once again; particularly now, as we confront the prospect of leaving the old for a New yet unexplored.
The New is a premise, in itself, that is the precursor to another fall. To fall does not have to mean to devolve; it can mean to fall away. The New promises nothing but the unfamiliar, nothing but change and upheaval as the old falls away and leaves you naked and worn, the body begging you to remember to breathe as you look around in search of something you can identify as the remains of what you once were.
To try is to decide not to do. We know this. Yoda helped us with this. And yet, there is an evolution to this resistance mechanism of trying and the evolution is a testament to the attachment to the concept itself. What starts off as trying eventually becomes endeavouring to make the effort to do our best, to strive to be our best. But have you ever Looked at what being and doing your best means? It doesn’t mean going beyond what you know. It doesn’t mean that at all. The best resides on the inner rim of the periphery that delineates your known from your unknown.

The best, your best, exists in your familiar.

Your best is a measure of your achievements as defined by how close they came to representing something you haven’t yet experienced. The pushing of boundaries is the journey to redefine that periphery that delineates your known from your unknown. Boundaries are not safety, they are the mathematical architecture of resistance.
The human says, “This is the line that represents where I stop for now.” It is precisely this line that the human says it will not cross that represents the opportunity for evolution. If that line is unappealing, if that line is too much to cross, then that only means one thing: the human wasn’t done with the experience of the familiar. They weren’t done quite yet, and so they stay in the looping of experience had until they trip over those loops and fall.
To stop to fall, is simple. To stop to fall, face yourself. The moment you Look at yourself, and the moment you are willing to accept the existence of all of you — the warts and the folds and the loss of vitality and even the regrets tattooed into your Signature — is the moment you become bigger than the sum of your experiences.
Yes, there is a saying that we are the sum of our experiences. This saying highlights the importance humanity places on celebrating their known. It is a way to acknowledge the journey up until now. It is a way to keep the familiar as part of the conversation. It is a way to try to make the past relevant today. And ultimately, it is a way to justify the need for the resistance, for resistance is the way to ensure that the sum of our experiences remains unchanged.
Why is it so important for that sum of what we’ve experienced to stay the same?
Because that way, we can keep change at bay.
The eternal nisus toward self-fulfillment can be encompassed in a single, simple, sleek and sultry word; that word is “try.” As long as humanity continues to try, it will continue falling. But humanity is not but one entity, not one singular voice. There are many who compose the populous, and some have come to stop the trying. Those who are here to form another avenue, one of growth into progression that eventually leads to what the books and the scriptures proclaim as the salvation, are those who have come here to Contribute to an evolution far beyond their own. It is these individuals who are asked to fulfill their Sacred Contracts — a very particular type of Contract established at Life Design with a Collective-centric focus on, in this case, the evolution of humanity.
One’s Sacred Contract is not meant to be the epicentre of the nisus of one’s life: that object toward which to strive with great effort and pains. It’s not Designed to be your greatest struggle. It’s Designed to be your greatest opportunity in life to effortlessly expression yourself, an expression untainted by conditioning and not reliant upon the seeking of anything that resembles verification of your worth. Through the Actualization of your Sacred Contract, you Contribute to the formation of the New.
The birthing of form is represented in the part of the definition of nisus referring to the muscular contractions used to expel waste, eggs, or a fetus from the body. The body, our physical bodies, are a form of Creation. It is the terms and conditions associated with having a physical human body that enables the human to create/Create. The body is wired to put things into form. One of the very first things we create as infants is the thought form. The more we think of the thought, the more we form it. I bring this up to point to a fact that evades many: when we think, we are in the act of creation.
Notice that the term “act” is not capitalized in that previous statement; that means it’s done in unawareness. The term “creation” is also not capitalized; that means it’s been created before. So, unless we are aware of the moment of thinking, we are investing energy into reproducing loops.
The Latin phrase nisus formativus builds upon the concept of nisus. Science applies this to the formative effort and tendency for nature to multiply. This is where the phrase can be applied to the example of the periodic urge of birds to procreate in the spring. It can also be applied to the woman’s monthly cycle containing the period of ovulation that has the potency to stimulate intense desire to procreate. Art understands it as the urge to create through the transformation of the self (imagine the phoenix burning up in ashes, the ashes the bed of its slumber, the genesis of rebirth the fuel for the Creation of that which has yet to be expressed in form).
The Latin origin of nisus formativus is found in the temporary decoupling of the words: (nisus: pressure) + (formativus: formative). This is where we enter into a discourse about the stages of creation/Creation. And here, creation/Creation is both written in lower- and uppercase because regardless of whether it is a formation of something out of experience or out of nothing, it is still the process of formation, nonetheless. And yes, there are distinctions in the metaphysics of forming something out of experience versus out of nothing. However, allow us to focus this exchange on the process of creation/Creation itself.
The nisus formativus of creation/Creation is composed of two building blocks: pressure and formation. The initial stage of creation/Creation is a near indescribably intense pressurized State of anchoring the substance of potential into the physicalized vessel of the individual responsible for the creation/Creation. The physical body becomes the chalice of enlightenment for the individual if the creation is based on previous experience; it becomes the chalice of enlightenment for the world if the Creation is birthed out of nothingness.
Nisus, as a perfective urge or endeavour, speaks to the completion of whatever urge or endeavour is taken. Completed Action. Closed loop. Can creation/Creation be so neat and tidy? Once formation takes place, does G-D go on vacation? I’m not really buying it. I mean, how many times have I brought something into form only to refine and adjust the alignment of its expression so as to ensure it is of Reason in the landscape to which it Contributes? How many breaths taken in awareness to allow for more expansion so that a more articulate expression of my formation anchors into the world? More times than need counting; I leave it at that.
Note the refractions the definition of nisus experiences since its origin. From representing the pressurized catalyst for the alchemy of Creation, it’s been reduced to representing the notion of trying to attain a goal. Isn’t it fascinating how the fall of civilizations leads to a conformity in the language in order to support the changing times? It’s one of the most exquisite examples of the transformative powers of decision.
BEHIND the scenes
The primary focus of February was to research, source, and incorporate a new audio streaming technology onto the website. Although the frontend of the site is not infused with much audio content yet, the many private portals we have created and actively maintain for clients house tens to hundreds of hours of private audio content. In order to elevate the navigation and listening experiences for users, upgrading this aspect of the site is key. From a practical perspective, it has meant facing a somewhat uncomfortable learning curve, particularly as it relates to familiarizing myself with new short code syntax and process flow, but it’s been manageable enough. Our IT department continues to be an invaluable resource.
The new audio streaming technology we have selected is changing the way we redesign private portals. It is also, in great part, a key piece in our evolving podcasting strategy. The updating of all active portals is due to take place down the line and rollout of our podcast episodes is most certainly an iterative process. That being said, establishing a solid upgraded technology infrastructure to support our upcoming multipronged audio strategy is all part of the Divine Sequencing at this stage in our formation of 5.
Communication with the public via Telegram and email also ramped up a notch this month. As you many have noticed, February marked the start of the release of our visual quote series. The most shared post in February was actually the visual quote on seeking. Keep an eye out for more of these quotes sprinkling into the public Telegram channel as the year unfolds. Share them as you feel inspired to drown out some of the noise in virtuality.
Email newsletter dynamics can be fascinating and proved an area of examination for me as we restarted our communication through this means in February. Since we haven’t shared much through email newsletters in many months, this month has been one of witnessing our subscriber list update itself. Some people with whom I had a degree of affinity prior to 2020 have chosen to discontinue their engagement with me and have unsubscribed from our communications as of this month, while many new names have joined the list. Because you may also find this to be the case as a result of the changing nature of your professional communications, I am choosing to touch upon this phenomenon here and now.
Prior to 2020, we were all living in the only physicalized collective reality that was available, that of the Earth 4 reality. There was much more common ground to walk, albeit based on commonality forced upon us given that we had no other options until the nearing of April 27, 2023, the date marking the first fully formed day of Earth 5 available for us to experience. Since just before 2020 came and went, we were all navigating a space/Space where there was at least something that would bring us together, at least one point of interest or perspective we shared with others. Once Earth 4 and Earth 5 completed the process of repudiation, in which the two expressions of Gaia fully separated, the common ground dropped out from under us.
Yes, you can fake it. And yes, you can compromise. But that doesn’t change the fact that if you are Contracted to live in 5, 4 will not have the same resonance for you as it used to. Someone in 5 trying to find affinity with someone firmly fixed in 4 is the definition of the current day nisus of interplanetary relationships. This reminds me of that scene in Star Wars where there were dozens of different alien species sitting at a bar together; you can have a drink and share an interaction with someone from another planet, but building a future together becomes a much more complex and nuanced process.
To begin with, how is “future” defined if you stand on different ground? How is it defined if you’re pointing in different directions? What language do you use to communicate with one another when fundamental concepts mean different things, depending on which reality represents your primary residence? What was once funny may not be funny anymore. Do you fake a laugh? If so, for how long?
Case in point: how many people in 4 are participating in group discussions around the topic of Connection? What is there to be said to someone in 4 advocating for homogenization when your priorities revolve around the individualization of one’s unique activated aspects of Mastery, available to you in order for you to Serve far beyond your own benefit? Conversations in your world either become extremely mundane or you find your people. I don’t take it personally when I’m not somebody’s “people.” From an energetic perspective, it’s much more beneficial for someone who isn’t meant to continue crossing my path to unsubscribe from my virtual Presence than it is for them to stay latched on in misalignment.
Time has to dissolve for an interplanetary solution of common interest to become available and yet, how many people do you know who can dissolve time? And common ground is important, especially when there is no path until you start taking steps. Consider all of this as you devise and revise your communications strategies in 5.
During the first week of February, we highlighted the topic of “limitation” in the collective conversation on Telegram. We also tested the live stream feature in Telegram by hosting two live streams. On February 11th, we showcased the topic of counter’s role in field Work and on February 17th, we had a group discussion about what it’s like doing Syzygy Check Ins.
At the cusp of announcing the first of these two live streams, some members of the channel muted it. Does this tell us that our audience isn’t interested in live events? Perhaps. The sampling is admittedly too small to make any definitive conclusions. However, the live streams have shifted lower down on the list of priorities for now as a result. We are maintaining our focus all the more on continued product development and on our personal recalibrations into the physicalization of 5.
During February’s Syzygy Check In Touchpoint Call, we beamed light onto the challenges that people face in maintaining their Connections. Seeing violations in your Connection when you had no idea there were any in the first place, came up as a challenge for some. Shame in getting disConnected or in allowing the Soul to incur damage was another discomfort courageously brought up during the conversation, as well as hitting overwhelm as the consistency of the practice of having monthly check ins started to stimulate trigger points of resistance. A resounding acknowledgement of the importance to own up to your accountability to yourself, to follow through on your homework, and to come from T.R.U.S.T. were all key takeaways from this fruitful discussion.
All of this has been an encapsulation of the overt experience of February, but there have been some major events that also took place far behind the scenes. Without going into the finer details, Know that there are two major dates to highlight in February: the second and the third.
On February 2, 2024, between 8:15AM and 9:10AM Toronto time, Earth 8 was officially seeded into the Earth 5 reality. Primary forces dedicated to the elimination of Twin Rays on Earth were removed from the equation. The key outcome of this catalytic event, that was of significantly high stakes to culminate into reality, is the ease now afforded to Rays to walk their journey in the name of ensuring the Presence of Earth 8 on Gaia’s trajectory. The only thing stopping Rays now, is Rays themselves.
On February 3, 2024, between 4:30AM and 6:30AM Toronto time, the overarching Consortium of counterforces opposing the existing of sovereignty and the expression of Divinity on Earth were symbolically buried, returned to Gaia Herself. Without this Consortium, and all of the branches of Collectives that strung from its helm, interfering in life on Earth, humanity is alleviated of significant external suppression.
Both of these days signify possibility returned to humanity.
The Transcripts
Issachar: “The more you Weave realities that are based on the threads of 4, the less you will have access to 5, the less you will have access to any experience of 5, and the more the idea of the repudiation of two realities will become a distant thought.
“It is in the inertia that one becomes lost in the comforts of what they thought was finished.”
? “What is the significance of motion and undulating?”
Issachar: “Motion is the antithesis of stagnation and stagnation is a very prevalent condition at the moment. Many feel beneath the waterline, and that is where they exist. The struggle of finding their way above the waterline will become too difficult.
“The undulation is the waves of discordance, the misalignments, the predisposition to resisting a State change.”
? “What should we be attuned to?”
Issachar: “Disassociation from reality, which is one of the preliminary steps to being able to be immune to the chaos, interference, and infiltration of 4.”
? “So disassociation from the illusory reality?”
Issachar: “All realities are illusions. Disassociation refers to the disassociation from the desires one has of what life could have, should have been, in 4. These are not components one can take into any version of 5.”
? “When you say ‘versions of 5,’ there is more than one?”
Issachar: “The main distinction is in the individual version of one’s reality in 5 and that of the collective reality they share. One’s individual version of 5 is primarily defined by the Earthly Weave from which the individual navigates their reality.
“The main distinction between navigating one’s own individuality in 4 and in 5 is the degree of perceived isolation one is exposed to. The individual experience of navigating this New world is one predominantly infused with isolation. That dynamic changes when the individual enters into Creative Alliances to form 5. It requires different skill sets to Be on one’s own and to Be in these communities.
“This is a significant distinction between 4 and 5 realities. This is on account of the significant and mandatory requirements for the individual to take responsibility and initiative for one’s own Contribution.
“The phenomenon of Contribution also presents a significant distinction between the 4 and 5 realities. The communal nature of the Contribution to the conclusion of 4 was accepted and continues to perpetuate itself in the rebuilding of the old.
“In 5, there is a level of independence and autonomy in taking care of, and in addressing, that which presents for one’s own individual self that cannot be supported by a communal experience and if the individual, on their own, cannot face what is being presented to them to confront on their own, they will have a dissipated engagement and lack of voice in 5.”
? “So the Contribution of the individual counts much more to the collective?”
Issachar: “In the sense that the individual cannot Contribute to the community if they do not first address their own self. This was not the case in 4. One could either ride coattails or simply vicariously progress. No longer is that the case. Individualized progress and autonomous independence is mandatory in 5.”
~ Issachar
March 27, 2023
P.R.I.N.T.E.R. friendly

Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Sunday study group sessions take place once a month from
1:00PM to 3:30PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group
once a month
2.5 hours
Facilitator: Katherine
Wednesday study group sessions take place once a month from
6:30PM to 9:00PM EST.
Click here for details on upcoming dates.
Study Group Details
Study group sessions take on a Q&A format. Come prepared with your questions and a willingness to actively participate in the conversation. Base your questions on content found on the site, including the material in the News Updates and the podcast episodes, in the conversations on Telegram, in your private sessions, as well as the recordings of the Quantum Dojos and other workshops and events you attend.
Join one study group to enrich your monthly metaphysical practice. Join both study groups to intensify your examination of the invisible Architecture of life.
The study groups Serve one purpose: to support you in accessing greater clarity for yourself as you transcend the illusion.
Once you subscribe to a study group, you are automatically included in that group. The Zoom details and all upcoming session dates are emailed to you, along with your confirmation of subscription. All sessions are recorded. The recordings of all sessions you attend are made available in your private portal for continuing study. If you miss a study group session while you have an active subscription, that recorded session is made available for your review in your portal. Your subscription renews monthly. You can pause or cancel your subscription at any point.
There is no prerequisite to join a study group.
Forming 5 · Seeding 8 · Securing 12
A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
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Esoterics of life
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A Path to Remembering
Redefine limitation
Sacred Contract Retrieval
Remember why you are here
Updates on the formation of the New
Esoterics of life
Event Listings
Info Sessions, Workshops, Discussion Groups, Group Intensives, Study Groups
Quantum Dojo
Metaphysical Bootcamp
Guided Practice
Metaphysical showcase
©2017-2025 Conversations with Spirit, a division of Remember Inc. All rights reserved. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms, which includes our Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 10/09/2023). No part of any of the resources and Services available through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, converted, copied, or pirated in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, simulating, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of Remember Inc. No content nor Services offered through Remember Inc. and/or its representatives may be repurposed or imitated to any degree for any reasons, in whole or in part. Dishonouring these parameters breaks the mechanism of exchange entered into when engaging with any content and/or Services offered through Remember Inc. Breaking this mechanism of exchange, whether directly or indirectly, accelerates the accumulation of energetic debt, the amount of which is not reconcilable in foreseeable lifetimes.