An Ode to the Ray
One day, the Ray asks his Twin, “How would you be different if we … Continue reading
October 24, 2021
Your private portal includes resources that enrich your work with us. The first thing you’ll see when you log into your portal is a Reminder: Be cause. This isn’t a frivolous or catchy saying. It is encouragement to Remember to See beyond the illusion.
The illusion expresses itself in many ways, including through your personality. When you let your desires decide what you’ll do next, you slip out of cause. When you let people’s expectations of you drive your behaviours, you slip out of cause. When you place your attention on the past or focus on what you hope will be in the future, you slip out of cause. Being cause is a big deal because when you are cause, you choose the degree to which you live in alignment with Your Reason for this life. Slipping out of Being cause results in forces (with their own self-serving objectives) deciding for you.
The moment you forget to Be, you slip out of cause. The moment you identify with your roles, you identify with the character you play on the stage. The moment you allow habitual patterns to run on autopilot, you relinquish your right to Be the witness and See, through the Eyes of Spirit. To Be cause is to be in control of the way you handle energy. When you are cause, you have access to alchemy, you have access to Sight, you have access to Your Knowingness. Be cause. With every breath, Be.
The Steps
The next thing you’ll see when you open up your portal is “The Steps” and any Spiritual supplements in which you’ve participated. [Note: The Steps section is not available when viewing your portal from your cell phone. Log into your portal via your computer or tablet to view the Steps section.] Clicking on any of the steps (any of the icons from 1 to 6 — scroll up to see them) or supplements brings you directly to the area of your portal where you can find all of your resources associated with that step or supplement. Take a moment now to click on the icons of the steps (scroll up to find them) and explore the resources available to you in the various areas of your portal. Once you’re done your initial exploration, return to this message and keep reading.
Just below the icons of the steps, you’ll find messages from us (just like this one). Every time you access your portal, be sure to check this area for any new announcements. Having said that, we’ll send you a message when there’s anything time sensitive to know.
Just next to these announcements (or just below if you’re on your phone), you’ll find the details of your upcoming sessions, mini-courses, and events. This information changes regularly, so be sure to take note of these details whenever you log into your portal.
Your intensive recordings go into this area of your portal. Intensives are Spiritual counselling sessions that you can have online or in person with one of us or with both of us. All audio and video recordings from your online sessions are found in this area of your portal, and all audio recordings from in-person sessions go here as well. After your intensives, consider listening to these recordings when you have some reflective Space. There is much to benefit from reviewing these conversations as you progress on your journey.
Details of the syzygy workshop are available here. Resources related to this workshop are available in this section of your portal.
Seeking into Being is in the process of being fully built out. You’ll find a link to course details here. More information will become available as the development stages progress.
Mentorship recordings are available in this area of your portal. Details of what a mentorship entails are included here.
The area of your portal dedicated to your Sacred Contract retrieval houses all of the resources related to this experience. Once you complete this process, you’ll find a rich collection of resources, including images of all of your original stickies as well as your session recordings, in this section of your portal.
Actualizers are available to those who have completed their Sacred Contract retrieval process. All of your actualizer recordings go into this part of your portal. To read about the nature of actualizers and what can take place during these unique sessions, click here.
As a Roots and Wings teacher, you have special access to the Roots and Wings Teachers’ Open Forum portal. Click on the icon at the top of your portal or click here to go directly to these group recordings. The full recordings of the monthly discussions, as well as a variety of video shorts, are included for you in this group portal.
The mini-courses are our newest initiative. They came about because of the nature of the blog posts that we publish on the site. We could take the traditional approach and write diluted content that is easy to process quickly but that’s not what we’re about. With the objective to Assist Beings in Remembering, we publish content that is deep and rich. This content is worth examining because it holds the potential to help you Remember. It lifts the Veil of Forgetting for those who choose to Remember. For this reason, we have launched the mini-courses to study the content of certain pieces we publish so as to Guide you into further exploration of the material in small online groups. All of your video and audio course recordings go into this part of your portal. To read about upcoming mini-courses, click here.
The Conversations Live online series is an immersive group discussion series that enables us to offer accessible Spiritual counselling sessions in a small group setting. It’s like attending online intensives with a small group of others willing and able to share the details of their journeys in the spirit of group development. Through introspection and Self Observation, we enrich our experience of life by examining its meaning, the roles we play in it, and the Knowingness that there is more. There is no set curriculum or agenda to this series. We meet once a week online for a month to explore the dynamics presenting in your lives in order to achieve new heights in navigating your individual and our collective realities. This online series provides a safe Space in which to join in on the conversation from the comfort of your home. All of your video and audio recordings from the online series go into this part of your portal. To read about the online series, click here.
Not everyone experiences their energetic peak at the same time everyday. Some people are early birds: they wake up with eyes wide open, smile at the alarm clock as it beeps incessantly on the side table, and sprint to the window to check how many fluffy clouds are ready to greet them. These people tend to experience profound meditative depths in the early hours of the day. They enjoy stretching their bodies and oxygenating theirs cells through physical movement as the sun rises. Their energetic peak is in the early part of the day, which means that their Spiritual muscles are more active in the morning. These people…do well in a breakfast series. All of your audio recordings from the breakfast series go into this part of your portal. To read about the dinner series and how it allows for the exploration of Soul affinity, click here.
The Conversations Live dinner series is a precious opportunity to gather. It is a nourishing group immersion into the depths of Knowingness. This dinner series creates a safe Space in which to participate in the exploration of Self, while enjoying wholesome sustenance for the body and Soul. Gathering at the dinner table by candlelight, we dine together as we explore key themes emerging in humanity’s collective experience and how these themes mirror our inner worlds. All of your audio recordings from the dinner series go into this part of your portal. To read about the dinner series and how it allows for the exploration of Soul affinity, click here.
The Conversations Live dinner and a movie series is a spin on the traditional date night! We meet for dinner and then watch a movie together. How it’s different is in the lens through which we watch. The movies we pick for this series are richly encoded. As we watch, we discuss key esoteric concepts that unfold on the screen. Consider movie nights Superhuman supplements. It’s great fun in a small group setting (and there’s lots of popcorn!). All of your audio recordings from the dinner and a movie series go into this part of your portal. To read about the dinner and a movie series and to see which movies are on deck, click here.
In this area of your portal, you’ll find a listing of all the meditations available to you. These meditations represent tools you are invited to consider adding to your Sacred Discipline. They perform three very important functions: they help you strengthen the Spiritual Muscles required to enter into Higher States without the use of stimulants, they help you stabilize at Higher frequencies so that you can hold that Space for yourself throughout the day, and they assist you in fine-tuning your Spiritual hygiene practices.
Recent Videos
Next, you’ll find some of our videos. We’ll be posting more YouTube content this year so stay tuned! You are also invited to subscribe to the Conversations with Spirit YouTube channel to receive notifications when new videos are published. The videos we publish are intended as supplementary lessons that either offer a broad examination of fundamental tenets of the journey of Remembering, or dig into the intricacies of certain esoteric topics available for public consumption.
Blog Casts
At the bottom of this page, you’ll find an overview of our latest blog casts. A blog cast is a blend of blog and podcast offering multiple perspectives on points of view. To get a feel for what the blog cast is all about, we recommend starting with this post and if you want to dive into the Timeline Wars mini-course, it’s based on this post. You can also find us on iTunes and Google Podcasts.
The podcast page links you to all of the podcast episodes as part of something we call The Public Series. All of the audio that is incorporated into the blog cast is included into the podcast stream of episodes BUT there will also be some podcast episodes that are not related to any of the published content in the blog cast. These extra episodes include hours of private conversations between Susan and I and some guests! Stay tuned!
Technical Note
On a technical note, there are a few ways you can access your recordings and meditations.
Throughout your portal, you will find that you have the option of downloading video files (of any online sessions you have) via pCloud so that you can watch them securely on your phone. To use pCloud, get the free app on your phone and set up an account for yourself. Then when you download your recordings via pCloud, you can add them to your files in pCloud directly. (You can access pCloud from your phone and from your computer.) This gives you an easy way to watch your recordings on your phone and computer.
Generally speaking, large audio files (longer than approximately 5 hours) are available in your portal for download via pCloud. All other audio files are available to download directly from your portal. Click the download link to save the file directly onto your computer. The download option will look differently, depending on your browser. Once you download these audio files onto your computer, you can upload them into pCloud (if this is your preferred method of listening to your recordings).
Conversations with Spirit leverages the Telegram platform in three ways:
Private Convergence Thread
We can create a private convergence thread for you so that you have a quick way of staying in touch with both of us. Remember this resource is available to you. Your private convergence is an important resource for those who benefit from having touch points between sessions so as to continue receiving real-time support from us while navigating the transformational journey of Self discovery. Let us know if you would like to have this thread started for you on Telegram.
Private Group Threads
We create private group threads to enable community cultivation and co-creative potential among those of like kind. The Conversations with Spirit Live group thread is one example of this type of private group thread, which is available to those who have participated in at least one Conversations Live series.
Global Channel
Our global Conversations with Spirit channel is a unique feature to the way in which we communicate with the world. This public forum is open to all those who align with joining our conversation. The information we share in the global Telegram channel includes information we would share with our email subscribers but it generally comes out before the newsletters do. We intend to continue sharing news and updates with you via email but Telegram is our first point of contact.
The reason we have decided to create a Space for all of you on Telegram is because we are removing our Presence from Facebook and amplifying our Messages on this open platform. Our Telegram community, as well as our email subscribers, are the first to receive updates about events, blog casts, podcast episodes, new videos, and flash sale events. The added value of joining our Telegram community is that you get to engage, in real time, with others in the community by communicating directly in this thread.
Consider this a Space to connect with others of like kind from around the world. Feel free to leverage this Space to ask questions as they relate to your experiences of taking the journey within and commenting on posts as they appear. Please note that kindness, compassion, and humility are cornerstones of this platform and we ask you to align with these cornerstones as you strengthen the Spiritual muscles of embodiment together.
Conversations with Spirit also meets on Clubhouse. If you’d like an invitation to Clubhouse so that you can join me and Susan, email me and let me know.
Contact Details
For ease of reference, we’ll include our contact details below:
Susan Phillips
Cell: (416) 592-0805
Katherine Pisana
Cell: (647) 784-7328
No upcoming sessions
Click here to schedule your complimentary session.
Syzygy Workshop
No upcoming private workshop dates
Dinner Series
6:30pm – 10:30pm EST
Tuesday November 16, 2021
Tuesday November 23, 2021
Online Discussion Series
1:30pm – 3:30pm EST
Tuesday December 7, 2021
Tuesday December 14, 2021
Tuesday December 21, 2021
Tuesday December 28, 2021
No previous announcements available.
For details on intensives, click here.
For workshop details, click here.
For the mini-course details, click here.
For course details, click here.
For mentorship details, click here.
Email us for details on the Sacred Contract Retrieval process.
For actualizer details, click here.
For details on upcoming mini-courses, click here.
For details on the upcoming Conversations Live online series, click here.
For details on the new breakfast series, click here.
For details on the dinner series, click here.
For details on the dinner and a movie series, click here.
The One Breath meditation provides an access point to Source through the Upper Fourth. Through focused attention, enter into the natural flow of the breath and allow yourself to let go of all that draws you away from centeredness. Notice a feeling of release as your breath gently rises and falls. Watch the rhythm of the breath and allow your focus to rest on the breath as it continues to come and go, all on its own. Allow the rhythm and cycle of the breath to move in one continuous flow, never ending as it comes and goes all on its own. The in-breath and the out-breath join together to create this one continuous wave of your Life Force. This one breath is the continuous connection to the Source of life. Incorporate this meditation into your Sacred Discipline to invigorate your State of Being in this world.
One Breath Meditation
7 mins 12 secs
When we activate our sovereign right to connect to the Source of All, we allow the full expression of our Soul’s journey in this lifetime. In so doing, we also secure our pathway Home. Acknowledging the Origin Point of our existence and placing our focused attention on our formless Essence as Spirit, we go simultaneously to a Higher and deeper place of Being. It is in Knowing that we are plugged into the ultimate Power Source.
Meditation 1: The Breath of Being comes from an understanding that every time we breathe, we are pronouncing the name of G-d.
Meditation 2: Meeting your Higher Self brings you closer to the full expression of your Soul. It supports you in Remembering the fullness of You.
Meditation 3: Accessing Knowingness takes you into the Inner Sanctum of Your Being to access your quiet voice that is waiting to be heard.
When you do these meditations consistently, you are allowing your Being to access the Infinite. In so doing, you are activating Your unlimited Power, courage, and sense of Knowingness. This changes your level of consciousness in the world, and the world itself.
Introduction to Remembering Source
Track length: 5 mins 01 secs
Meditation 1: The Breath of Being
Track length: 6 mins 16 secs
Meditation 2: Meeting Your Higher Self
Track length: 7 mins 20 secs
Meditation 3: Accessing Knowingness
Track length: 7 mins 20 secs
Please do these meditations in sequence until you have practiced them enough to hold stability and steadiness at every access point they represent.
Every one of us emanates energy into the world around us from the world within us. Our radiance emanates from Our Essence, as Spirit. Our Essence is received into this physical world in the form of our Signature Energy Pattern.
Our Signature Energy Pattern is a complex collection of strands of Light. Each strand of Light is composed of particles of Light that originate at the Source of All. The process of Remembering You, as Spirit, is the process of rekindling your awareness of your True nature.
Ascension into Beingness: An Introduction draws your attention to the very nature of energy. Energy is at the origin of all creation. Feel into this Truth as you prepare for the meditation.
Ascension into Beingness: A meditation calibrates your physical body, as well as your subtle energetic bodies, to the Highest expression available to you in this world. Remember, your Signature Energy Pattern is the complex collection of strands of Light that make up You, as Spirit. Calibrating yourself to the Essence of Your Beingness enables you to embody Spirit in this world.
You are a sentient Being of Light. It is your sovereign right to Remember You. The embodiment of Spirit is the conscious act of Living through the Eyes of Spirit each day, every day. Ascension into Beingness supports you in this process of Remembering You, as Spirit.
This is a very potent meditation and significantly contributes to the Sacred Discipline of advanced practitioners. Consider incorporating Ascension into Beingness into your daily practice as you allow for the process of calibrating to your Divine nature.
Ascension into Beingness:
An Introduction
Track length: 9 mins 56 secs
Ascension into Beingness:
A meditation
Track length: 26 mins 51 secs
You may notice that the album details reference the Practice of Isness, a course we are developing for the School of Knowing. Ascension into Beingness was originally created for the Practice of Isness. However, given the current state of the world, we have expedited its release. The more of us doing this meditation daily, the faster we will shift out of global fear.
This meditation Serves as an access point to Knowingness to Assist you in Remembering what you already Know. It introduces the concept of healing time and represents a potent opportunity to take back your Sacred Right to clear any lack of resolution manifesting as dis-ease in your reality.
An Introduction to Healing Time draws your attention to the phenomenon of healing: where and when it takes place, and how. Healing is not a physical event; it occurs in the subtle realms. However, the result of healing in the subtle realms trickles down into physical realities and presents as ease, harmony, and eventual peace experienced on all levels of the physical, emotional, and mental planes. Conceptualizing the phenomenon of healing, we enter into the meditation.
The Healing Time Meditation supports you to enter into the Space in between the in-breath and the out-breath in order to access Healing Time. As you settle into this Space, you choose the focus of your healing. Honour the Knowingness behind the phenomenon of healing as you slip out of space/time and surrender to the healing of your very Being.
This is a very potent meditation and significantly contributes to the Sacred Discipline of advanced practitioners. Consider incorporating Healing Time into your daily practice as you allow for the process of expansion.
Healing Time:
An Introduction
Track length: 6 mins 22 secs
Healing Time:
A meditation
Track length: 22 mins
One day, the Ray asks his Twin, “How would you be different if we … Continue reading
Podcast Episode
What is a Ray?
Katherine ⊙ Susan
An excerpt from an online Twin Ray convergence.
The … Continue reading
Note to the reader:
What you are about to read is concentrated Intelligence. The anchoring … Continue reading